Blogger problems: Addressing technical difficulties

Either Blogger is having some technical problems, or the difficulty is at my end. I can't get any posts to publish. More importantly, I can't even get my comment spam to disappear. Yes, Houston, we have a problem.

I'm using this as a test posting to see if I continue to get an error message when I hit the Publish Button. Sometimes there are days like this, or so I am told anyway. Well, you use the free service... Of course, all blog and web hosts have problems from time to time. The important thing is that the difficulties be addressed, and done promptly.

At least Blogger recognizes the issues with publishing blog posts and is rectifying the situation. Responding to technical problems is important for any business. With the millions of blogs, and counting more daily on the internet, it's inevitable that some glitches and gremlins will make a few unscheduled appearances. They can happen to anyone's company at any time.

All of this brings me to the concept of unforseen business problems and maintaining ones composure. Getting upset at the computer, the staff, or oneself does nothing to solve the problem. The best approach is to keep calm and seek a logical solution to the issue at hand.

With technical issues, the best choice is usually to avoid hitting or throwing things at the machine. While possibly a release of anger and frustration for a brief shining moment, the end result is often a larger problem than before. We won't even go into the breakage factor.

As far as staff difficulties go, I am a believer in the talk about the problem openly and honestly. We all know that personalities often clash. When two worlds collide, the fallout is not pretty, and tends to land on innocent bystanders. My policy has always been to get the disputing parties together and help them to discuss the problems as they see them. I would only let the people talk about the problem, and personal attacks were out of bounds. In retrospect, the issue was usually rather small, and the two employees ended up as good friends once they settled their differences. Of course, your mileage may vary.

As for the bigger problems of business, there should always be a Plan B to put into action. The operation can be kept running almost smoothly as a result, only taking an alternative route to success. Of course, there is always the option of doing nothing, but that choice almost invariably leads to failure. If in doubt, do something. If nothing else, it keeps everyone busy and working on the problem and potential solutions.

Well, that was enough rambling for one day.

See all of you tomorrow. Blogger may be working by then, and this post might actually appear live.

You are reading it via telepathy at the moment!

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