Blogging ideas: Weekend fun

A blog should be fun, regardless of topic. In fact, the personality of the blog writer is a major factor in whether or not a blog achieves any sort of lasting success. Boring blogs turn into dead blogs walking...or posting...or some such analogy.

As bloggers we often take ourselves and our writing much too seriously. We occasionally forget that blogging is supposed to be an enjoyable part of our day. Writing and posting our ideas to share with others should be a pleasurable experience. Many times, instead of letting the blog become a bit more playful and displaying our personality, it becomes dry and stale. A steady diet of dull posts is the blogging eqivalent of being fed nothing but week old bread and tepid water.

My good friend Toby Bloomberg (pictured top left) of the influential marketing blog Diva Marketing, has developed a wonderful way to mix blog marketing business with a little after work pleasure. Every Friday, Toby offers a great way to wrap up your week day posts, or to start a weekend posting series. Her technique is to devote her Friday posting to having some fun with her blog. By implication, the concept can be easily adapted to any blog.

Along with a light hearted post about some business related news, Toby has two astrologers named Paula Dare and Donna Page provide their readings of the stars, planets, moons, and anything else flying around in space. While not everyone is a follower of astrological prognostication, they are fun and even the most hardened skeptic has to admit to reading them. I happen to fit into that latter category.

While your blog doesn't have to provide readings of stars, cards, tea leaves, or pickup sticks, there are many other fun things that can lighten the mood. Perhaps your could run a series of comics or cartoons. Many great new cartoon and animation artists would be pleased to display their work on a well read blog. Another idea is to write a light hearted comedy monologue. A slice of what went slightly awry in your life might be just the thing for your blog.

A little humour and a somewhat lighter atmosphere might be just what the blog doctor ordered.

Have some fun with your blog. They are supposed to be about creating the personal touch after all.

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