Lessons Learned From Blogging: Talking with Paul Chaney

Blogging's Goodwill Ambassador Paul Chaney continues his series of blogger interviews at All Business. In the series, Paul generously offers his space to a question and answer session with many of the leading business bloggers in the blogosphere.

Paul Chaney is one of the most gracious people I have ever had the privilege of meeting. Without a doubt, Paul's selfless assistance to bloggers everywhere is an inspiration to all of us within and outside of the blogosphere. When I write as I do in many of my posts, that bloggers are free and generous linkers and help others succeed without concern for their own personal gain, Paul Chaney is one of the people that pops into mind.

I had the distinct honour of being asked to participate in Paul's ongoing series of Lessons Learned From Blogging. Paul has graciously included my answers in one of his series of blog posts.

Here is a sample of one of my answers to Paul's query:

[Paul] Looking back over the years since you started blogging, what would you say are some lessons you've learned as a result? What were some "serendipities" you've experienced along the way?

[Wayne] I have learned much more than I ever thought about relationship building online. The power of blogs for that activity is unlimited. It's the fast track to getting known in your industry, as well as a direct route to the top of search engine rankings. The most important serendipities are without a doubt the wonderful people I have met through blogging. The people I meet every day are some of the most open, honest, and helpful individuals you could meet anywhere. Again, without blogging, our paths might never have crossed otherwise.

Read more of my Lessons Learned From Blogging interview.

I want to thank Paul for the opportunity to particpate in his blogger series, and I hope that my responses to his questions are helpful to others. In truth, I started blogging to help others succeed by sharing my business experience. It has been a two way street, as I have learned more from others than they could have possibly learned from my information.

In my opinion, blogging is as much a part of lifelong learning as reading books, taking courses, and discovering the joys of people and the world around us. As bloggers, we are always seeking new and interesting ideas. We are happily sharing them with others. At the same time, we have the pleasure of making contact, and becoming friends, with some of the finest people in the world.

Many of those wonderful people we meet are other bloggers. One of those fine human beings is Paul Chaney.

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