Money...It's Not Just For Rich People! by Janine Bolon - Book Review

Money...It's Not Just for Rich People!

By: Janine Bolon

Published: Sep 30, 2005
ISBN: 9781411643437
Format: Paperback, 216pp
Publisher: Lightning Source Inc

Five simple steps will turn your life from one of monetary hardship to financial freedom writes Janine Bolon, author of Money...It's Not Just for Rich People! . By following her step by step instructions, the reader can accumulate wealth and prosperity, regardless of the current state of their finances.

Janine Bolon provides practical ideas for improving your financial status. First of all, she suggests that you start with a plan. Set your goals down on paper, and refer to them often. Pressed into all out money constraints by her personal life experiences, the author applied all of the techniques recommended in her own household. She took her own family from from living from one pay day to the next, to complete financial independence. Janine's own life circumstances are testimony to how well her five steps work in the real world.

To Janine Bolon, (photo left) working towards financial independence, and saving for the retirement years, is not all about greed either. In fact, she encourages philanthropy and giving others a helping hand. She believes that generous people, who give freely, receive back much more than selfish, miserly individuals. Her strongly held concept of sharing the wealth is confirmed by her successful system of wealth accumulation. One of the steps to achieving your personal money well being is to assist other people in reaching their goals as well.

For me, the real power of the book is the support of generosity and help for others. Many financial planning books spend little time on sharing the wealth with others. Janine Bolon considers philanthropy, and giving a regular amount to worthwhile causes, is an essential part of wealth accumulation. To know that one doesn't have to become a miserly skinflint, in order to reach personal financial goals, is a liberating thought itself. Giving to others, which brings back even greater rewards, is an important and integral part of the book.

I recommend Money...It's Not Just for Rich People! by Janine Bolon for people who seek the dual goals of helping themselves and assisting others. The two principles are not mutually exclusive says the author, and in fact are entwined with one another.

Read Money...It's Not Just for Rich People! and use its five steps to reach your personal financial goals. You will discover that having a generous heart is a citical part of any overall success plan.

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