The Idea Hunter by Andy Boynton & Bill Fischer - Book review

The Idea Hunter

How to Find the Best Ideas and Make them Happen

By: Andy Boynton, Bill Fischer

Published: April 26, 2011
Format: Hardcover, 192 pages
ISBN-10: 0470767766
ISBN-13: 978-0470767764
Publisher: Jossey-Bass

"Breakaway ideas come to those who go are in the habit of looking for them", write idea thought leaders Andy Boynton and Bill Fischer in their inspirational and innovation generating book The Idea Hunter: How to Find the Best Ideas and Make them Happen. The authors describe their process for discovering new ideas to create solutions to problems in any industry, and for changing the way people think about idea generation, and for applying those innovations as solutions.

Andy Boynton (photo left) and Bill Fischer dispel a number of persistent myths that have grown up around creative thinking and idea development. They point out that ideas do not always spring from the supposedly creative individuals as believed by most people. Instead, the authors offer the alternative explanation that ideas are found by anyone who searches actively for them. The authors demonstrate how to develop an eye for uncovering ideas, and for getting into the habit of searching for ideas everywhere. The authors also show the reader how most great ideas and solutions are not fresh or new, but simply repurposed for the problem at hand. With innovation and creativity in such high demand today, the authors provide a new way of looking at idea discovery.

Bill Fischer (photo left) and Andy Boynton share their highly regarded idea generating and solution creating system of The DeepDive(TM). The process is utilized effectively by organizations around the world, and is useful for managers and professionals in any sized business or industry. Through following The DeepDive(TM) process, readers learn what the authors call the I-D-E-A principles:

* Interested - involves actively searching for and studying ideas
* Divers - involves seeking ideas from a wide range of sources beyond the usual
* Exercised - involves developing the habit of always seeking ideas
* Agile - involves thinking and seeking solutions beyond the expected ones

For me, the power of the book is how Bill Fischer and Andy Boynton offer a practical framework for discovering ideas to generate solutions to problems or to create new products. The authors combine a strong theoretical background for their idea creation system with the tools and practices to utilize the process effectively. The author present the reasons why a person should develop the habit of searching constantly for ideas, and share tips on how to turn those discoveries into innovations. The authors bolster their concepts by showing how a diverse range of innovative people have found ideas, but also stress that special creative skills are not essential. For the authors, anyone can learn to be a hunter and finder of ideas.

I highly recommend the innovative and engaging book The Idea Hunter: How to Find the Best Ideas and Make them Happen by Andy Boynton and Bill Fischer, to anyone seeking a clear and concise technique for learning where to locate ideas, how to discover those ideas, and how to transform the concept to a practical and innovative solution.

Read the idea portfolio building book The Idea Hunter: How to Find the Best Ideas and Make them Happen by Bill Fischer and Andy Boynton, and learn how to become a full time hunter of ideas. The thrill of the chase and the joy of discovery await anyone who follows this book's advice.

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