Carnival of the Vanities at Generic Confusion

The 151st edition of the longest running internet blog carnival, the well known Carnival of the Vanities, is up at Greg's news, politics, music, and general interest blog known as Generic Confusion.

Be sure to click the photo collage that creates a "COTV 151" and you will see screen shots of the participating Carnival blogs.

Carnival of the Vanities is the original collection of blog postings, assembling some of the best and wide ranging bloggers on the internet.

This week's Carnival of the Vanities entries include politics, literature, science, medicine, technology, business, culture, comedy, and sports, including roller derby.

I have an entry in this week's Carnival of the Vanities as well.

My entry is titled "Seek the facts: The truth shall set you free" where I discuss how it's a good policy to seek the facts, the hard data, and the truth about what is happening in your business. Ignoring or even refusing to examine the numbers and the overall health of your firm can lead directly to liquidation.

To participate in the Carnival of the Vanities, or any of the other blog carnivals, one of the easiest techniques is to use the all inclusive carnival entry form at The Conservative Cat.

Another participation option is to simply e-mail your entry to the host of the week.

That's what I usually do.

As I suggest elsewhere, hosting and contributing to the various internet blog carnivals is a great promotional idea for your blog.

Next week's edition of Carnival of the Vanities will be at Will's popular finance, markets, and commentary blog known as WILLisms.

In the meantime, head on over to the Generic Confusion hosting of Carnival of the Vanities and enjoy the posts on offer.

You will almost certainly be introduced to some great new blogs.

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