Free teleseminar: Conversations with experts - Philippe Matthews

Manifesting Success, Wealth and Happiness

Hosted by Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff of Build a Better Blog System.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005, 8:30 p.m. ET

Guest expert: Philippe Matthews of The Philippe Matthews

Philippe Matthews, the host of The Philippe Matthews podCAST & vCAST Show and author of several books and coaching programs on producing quantum achievement, will discuss TheSHOCKphilosophy™ and The Shock Wealth System™ -- spiritual technologies and transformational methodologies that identify and neutralize deep-seated, unconscious beliefs and behaviors that stifle or sabotage success.

You will learn how to break through the invisible comfort zone that keeps you from reaching the next level of wealth, achievement and success in life regardless of how many books you read and seminars you attend.

Philippe Matthews is the Founder/Creator of The SHOCKphilosophy™ Institute of Manifestation; which teaches individuals how to succeed beyond any and all past points of failure and disappointment to create a new reality of wealth, success and achievement! This is taught through the four processes of 1) The SHOCKphilosophy™, 2) The Quantum SHOCKprocess, 3) The Shock Wealth System™, and 4) The SHOCKdebt Process™.

You can register for the Conversation with Philippe Matthews at:

Conversations with Experts is sponsored by Build a Better Blog System.

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