Carnival of the Vanities 199 at The Bull Speaks!

The 199th edition of the longest running internet blog carnival, the well known Carnival of the Vanities appears at the technology and political blog known as The Bull Speaks!.

Carnival of the Vanities is the original collection of blog postings, assembling some of the best and wide ranging bloggers on the internet.

This week's The Bull Speaks! hosted Carnival of the Vanities entries include politics, literature, science, humour, technology, business, and economics.

I have an entry in this week's Carnival of the Vanities as well.

My post is titled "Achieving success: Fighting your fears" where I discuss how feeling fear is part of being human. It's a natural human emotion, but an extremely powerful one. Fear can either paralyze a person into total inactivity, or cause an adrenaline rush to the finish line. Overcoming your fear is one of the most important keys to your business and personal success.

To participate in the Carnival of the Vanities, or any of the other blog carnivals, one of the easiest techniques is to use the all inclusive carnival entry form at The Conservative Cat.

Another participation option is to simply e-mail your entry to the new e-mail address:

cotvmail -at- gmail -dot- com

As I suggest elsewhere, hosting and contributing to the various internet blog carnivals is a great promotional idea for your blog.

Next week's 200th edition of Carnival of the Vanities appears at Jay and Deb Solo's business, politics, and family blog known as Accidental Verbosity.

The topic will be a Rob "Acidman" Smith tribute edition of Carnival of the Vanities. All entries accepted, as always, but specifically encouraging entries that are about Acidman, posts of his, topics dear to him (southern food, vile exes, family, painted nails, the evils of cats, guns, Jawja, you get the idea...), etc. Tribute posts needn't be very recent as is normal for CotV.

In the meantime, head on over to the The Bull Speaks! hosting of Carnival of the Vanities and enjoy the posts on offer.

You will almost certainly be introduced to some great new and interesting blogs.

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