Life changes: Taking the first step

There are few things in life that frighten people more than the unknown. Many folks prefer the status quo in their life even if that means living below the poverty line, in a bad relationship, or in a terrible dead end job. The preference for the devil one knows, despite the heat and pitchfork pokes, is often chosen over the key to a better life. It's time to change those less than desirable circumstances.

It's very easy to settle for a less than ideal life. It's also not hard to get into a rut where efforts to make changes are few and far between. Often attempts at life improvement are ridiculed by others; or result in failure leaving the person discouraged and unwilling to try again. Fear of failure and of ridicule are powerful agents at removing one's motivation.

Another strong pull against life improvement is fear of loss. While on the surface it might not appear the person has much to lose, but in their mind, they want to hold onto what they have at the moment. While the potential to gain so much more exists, the idea that the current state of affairs is better than possible failure can be an overriding trump card. Fear of loss is one of the most powerful human emotions, and is not easily removed from the picture.

In all cases, the fear of the unknown must be addressed and understood. Take stock of your current circumstances. List all that you believe are positives about the arrangement. As expected, there will be a sizable list of items and concerns. Next, list all of the worst things that could happen if an honest attempt was made at life changing activities. What would be lost? Is it really a loss in the first place? Once the worst case scenario is understood, the fears should begin to recede into the background.

A next step is to write down your ideal life. Bluesky things for a moment and let your imagination soar. Be sure to consider both personal goals as well as career and business options. The next step is to consider how each goal can be achieved. Create a series of short and achievable steps as guideposts to your journey to success. Start small, and over time, achievement will become a habit and a way of life for you.

The great part about this incremental approach is the steps are gradual, and no one will notice the changes until they accumulate into something special. There will be no ridicule when people see results. In fact, making fun of ideas is reserved for those who do nothing to make their dreams come true. You are already well beyond that stage. If you are associating with people who are constantly negative or critical, it might be a good time to change your company. Seek out successful, supportive, and helpful people who will guide and assist your journey. Avoid people who want to tear down your life to their own level.

Start out small, with a solid but noticable change. I always recommend getting a new haircut or style as an important first step. You see the change, and so do other people in your life. The new you already looks and feels different from the previous version. That important first step has been taken, and success was achieved. After one accomplishment is made, others seem to follow along the way.

The path to success is not always a smooth and seamless whole. There will be setbacks along your way. The important thing for a life changing process is to shrug off the difficulties and keep moving forward to the end goal. Since the process is one of small steps, and reaching guideposts, no slip can be a disaster. Instead, an alternative route will open up, and the goal achieved in an alternative manner.

Take the first step on the voyage to your new life today. Your success awaits your discovery.

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