Do The Work!
By: Steven Pressfield
Published: April 20, 2011
Format: Hardcover, 112 pages
ISBN-10: 1936719010
ISBN-13: 978-1936719013
Publisher: The Domino Project
"We'll hit every predictable Resistance Point along the way - those junctures where fear, self-sabotage, procrastination, self-doubt, and all those other demons we're all so familiar with can be counted on to strike", writes acclaimed author Steven Pressfield, in his inspirational guide to overcoming personal barriers Do The Work!. The author presents the tools and concepts that helped in his personal quest to achieve his goals despite the constant challenge from internal resistance and obstacles.
Steven Pressfield understands that overcoming the inner voices of objection to doing the work necessary to complete a task is critical for success. As a renowned, bestselling author, Steven Pressfield would appear the very epitome of someone who lacked personal demons blocking his creative flow of words. Instead, as he describes in this motivational text, even the most prolific writers are accosted by the self-doubts and inner conflicts shared by everyone. What the author refers to as a chattering brain is that inner dialogue that operates to sabotage even the best planned projects. As a result, Steven Pressfield offers the tools and techniques that propelled him past the barricades to performing the job at hand.

Steven Pressfield (photo left) provides a veritable manifesto against those darkness of the soul moments when the brain chatter is at its most prevalent. In this deceptively simple books, the author shares the strategies he employed to beat back the resistance and negative thoughts that stand in the way of greatness. Steven Pressfield identifies the traits of that arch foe resistance, its characteristics, and its means of attack. In opposition to these forces of darkness, the author presents his allies, strategies, and inner strength builders to succumb the ever present foe. Steven Pressfield outlines the lay of the land, the nature of the treacherous enemy and its habits, and then shares his proven tactics for winning the battle within. Part personal journey, part tactics and strategies, and part helpful stories and anecdotes, the book is a treasure chest of ideas and inspirational concepts to achieve the very best from work and life.
For me, the power of the book is how master writer Steven Pressfield transforms the concept of inner obstacles into a guide to success. Through a powerful combination of personal stories and revelations, the author shares his own vulnerability and his own inner trials openly and honestly. At the same time, Steven Pressfield discovers universal truths, of the common resistance that afflicts everyone, and how to surpass their tantalizing pull downward. By adding additional examples from various walks of life and works of literature, the author clarifies his concepts and strengthens their value. Whether a person is a writer, artist, entrepreneur, or manager, the constant nagging of that confidence shattering inner conversation, the strategies contained in this engaging book offer wisdom and the motivation to do the work.
I highly recommend the idea packed and insightful book Do The Work! by Steven Pressfield, to anyone seeking to overcome the artificial and soul destroying doubts that attach themselves to our deepest thoughts. This book will dispel those unfounded fears, and steer us toward the stars.
Read the enjoyable and profound book Do The Work! by Steven Pressfield, and learn how to reach your destiny through doing the work necessary to achieve greatness. This book is a compass to keep your course straight and true as you embark on that most important voyage to personal success.