Adjunct faculty at UCLA Extension and Fielding Graduate University, Pamela Rutledge Ph.D.; and Co-founder of A Think Lab with Bonnie Buckner Ph.D., also of Fielding Graduate University. They are also course instructors at UC Irvine Extension where they are teaching a course in “Transmedia Marketing Through Storytelling.” They describe the importance of psychology to Transmedia Marketing describe the importance of psychology to Transmedia Marketing. The guests demonstrate how storytelling is a viable strategy for enhancing audience engagement. Discover why Transmedia storytelling is the future of marketing. Learn how social media is an engaging marketing tool. You will also find out how to create engaging and effective social marketing campaigns.
Pamela Rutledge and Bonnie Buckner are my internet radio show guests on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.
The show airs live on Thursday, April 21, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.
Adjunct faculty at UCLA Extension and Fielding Graduate University, Pamela Rutledge Ph.D.; and Co-founder of A Think Lab with Bonnie Buckner Ph.D., also of Fielding Graduate University, They are also course instructors at UC Irvine Extension where they are teaching a course in “Transmedia Marketing Through Storytelling.” They describe the importance of psychology to Transmedia Marketing. You will learn:
* How to leverage Transmedia Marketing effectively
* Why storytelling is so key to Transmedia Marketing
* How an understanding of psychology enhances the storytelling aspect
* The future of Transmedia Marketing

Pamela Rutledge, Ph.D. (photo left) is a media psychologist who is passionate about helping people and organizations understand the way communication and media technologies change our culture, psychology, and behavior. Her perspective is encapsulated in what A Think Lab calls “learning to see.” Pam believes that by understanding how things work, we can more successfully achieve our own goals. She views all things—from business and media to interpersonal relationships–as interactive systems where change in one part impacts the rest. We are digital citizens. In this new landscape, success as individuals and organizations depends on our ability to recognize and make sense out of the evolving environment and to identify qualitative change.
When we see how things are connected, we can visualize and realize new outcomes. When we anticipate how cultural shifts and social trends move through society as a system, we can position ourselves to make change work to our advantage and tap the system’s power to meet our own goals.

Bonnie Buckner, Ph.D. (photo left) has been teaching people and businesses techniques for expanding perception, creativity and innovation for over five years. She has worked in, and studied, the culture and system of business as an entrepreneur for over a decade. She believes we are living in a time of shifting paradigms that create opportunities for re-imagining our communities, how we advocate and govern, and the role of business. For her, the modern business is a vehicle for social change and the meaningful expression of the individual. She views business as an extension of the individual and seeks to understand and improve both.
Bonnie conducts academic research through her position as Senior Research Fellow at the Media Psychology Research Center. Her research spans multiple topics, with a special focus on imagery.
Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832
Let's talk with Adjunct faculty at UCLA Extension and Fielding Graduate University, Pamela Rutledge Ph.D.; and Co-founder of A Think Lab with Bonnie Buckner Ph.D., also of Fielding Graduate University. They are also course instructors at UC Irvine Extension where they are teaching a course in “Transmedia Marketing Through Storytelling.” Listen as they describe the importance of psychology to Transmedia Marketing. The guests demonstrate how storytelling is a viable strategy for enhancing audience engagement. Discover why Transmedia storytelling is the future of marketing. Learn how social media is an engaging marketing tool. You will also find out how to create engaging and effective social marketing campaigns on Blog Business Success Radio.