BlogBloke & Steven Streight: Blogging Ethics & Issues - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Long time bloggers and industry thought leaders, BlogBloke of Ask BlogBloke: Blogging & Social Media with the 'Original' and Steven Streight of Vaspers the Grate and Pluperfecter discuss some of the ethical issues that have arisen in the blogosphere. They describe the lack of blogging etiquette, and the failure to credit other bloggers' ideas, that are starting to become the norm in the blogging community,

They will talk about some of the scandals and issues that have become headline news with Facebook; and they will share their thoughts on the direction that social media is headed as well. You will learn why blogging ethics, sharing with others, and being a free and generous linker works best for everyone in both the short and long runs. Discover the importance of getting back to the blogging basics that created the blog success story in the first place.

BlogBloke and Steven Streight are my internet radio show guests on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Tuesday, May 17, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Long time bloggers and industry thought leaders, Blog Bloke of Ask Blog Bloke: Blogging & Social Media with the 'Original' and Steven Streight of Vaspers the Grate and Pluperfecter discuss some of the ethical issues that have arisen in the blogosphere. You will learn:

* What blogging ethics mean and why they are so important

* Why some social media gurus may be doing more harm than good

* Some of the hidden dangers of using social media

* How to blog ethically and help both yourself and others succeed

Blog Bloke (avatar left) has worked in journalism and as a programmer in the computer industry before most had heard of Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. A crusader at heart, he switched to law and soon made a name for himself as a successful litigation expert and mediator, helping folks who under normal circumstances can't afford justice.

A geek in every sense of the term, he carried his passion for helping others and computers into blogging that he helped pioneer. In those days there was no such thing as Wordpress or RSS newsfeeds for blogs. Having created the "Blog Tips" niche, his blog is an outstanding resource for helpful blogging tips and how-to tutorials. He has a reputation for being a straight shooter, his sharp wit and an outspoken champion for online ethics. He is bullishly pro blogging, social media, an outspoken advocate for online rights, security and technology issues.

Tech Editor and Author, BLOGBloke has been quoted in the Washington Post, New York Times and CBS News. Here are just a few of the comments that his readers have made:

"A Blogger’s Natural Resource" … “A knowledgeable, witty and fun conversationalist with both feet in the honesty camp” … “You write with passion, condor, and authenticity — that’s why I enjoy your posts” ... “Like the sense of humor in the articles” … “This site is a literary masterpiece” … “High quality sites like yours are an inspiration” … “This site is capital, constantly providing fairness in reviews and information” … “We would like to thank you for maintaining such a reputable blog. We know that it takes time, effort and commitment to keep such a blog and as such, we have added your blog as one of the top Blogging Blogs” … “You are indeed not just any average bloke!”.

Steven Streight (photo left) also known as Vaspers is a web content provider, blog figure outer, and social media consultant.

A successful former advertising writer on Madison Avenue and Wall Street, Streight started blogging in 2004 on topics of web usability in the blog Vaspers the Grate at

He coined the phrase and defined the art of "blogocombat" and most citations of the keyword are attributed to him according to Google.

He has been quoted by Business Week, US News & World Report, Society for Technical Communications, Robert Scoble and Shel Israel's book "Naked Conversations", InterBusiness Issues, and many other publications.

Steven specializes in digital media, online brand management, and social networking applications for legal firms, retail business, and music marketing.

His current blog is Pluperfecter at

Listen live on Tuesday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

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Let's talk with long time bloggers and industry thought leaders, Blog Bloke of Ask Blog Bloke: Blogging & Social Media with the 'Original' and Steven Streight of Vaspers the Grate and Pluperfecter, as they discuss some of the ethical issues that have arisen in the blogosphere. They describe the lack of blogging etiquette, and the failure to credit other bloggers' ideas, that are starting to become the norm in the blogging community, They will talk about some of the scandals and issues that have become headline news with Facebook; and they will share their thoughts on the direction that social media is headed as well. You will learn why blogging ethics, sharing with others, and being a free and generous linker works best for everyone in both the short and long runs. Discover the importance of getting back to the blogging basics that created the blog success story in the first place on Blog Business Success Radio.

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