Great on the Job by Jodi Glickman - Book review

Great on the Job

What to Say, How to Say It. The Secrets of Getting Ahead

By: Jodi Glickman

Published: May 10, 2011
Format: Trade Paperback, 304 pages
ISBN-10: 031264146X
ISBN-13: 978-0312641467
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin

"The art of live communication and relationship building remains critically important no matter what industry you work in", writes entrepreneur, trainer, consultant, and author of the practical and engaging book Great on the Job: What to Say, How to Say It. The Secrets of Getting Ahead. The author describes how in today's globalized economy, intelligence, technical skills and a strong work ethic, are not as critical to success as the ability to communicate effectively and strategically.

Jodi Glickman doesn't discount the importance of technical skills. Instead, the author emphasizes that without the ability to communicate ideas effectively to others, mastery of the technical aspects of the job becomes less valuable. To build trust and deeper relationships in the workplace, strong verbal communication skills are essential for success. For Jodi Glickman, superior communication skills are the most critical component of career success. In the highly technological work environment, where much dialogue takes place through email and other technical channels, the interpersonal aspect of communication has dropped to an all time low. For younger employees, just entering the workplace, verbal communication skills are often weaker than those of previous generations. As a result, Jodi Glickman points out that improving verbal communication abilities is more important than ever to career advancement and job satisfaction.

Jodi Glickman (photo left) recognizes that despite the increasing use of online and mobile dialogue, interpersonal face to face conversation is still overwhelmingly more frequent and important in the workplace. At the same time, the ability to communicate ideas and carry on effective conversations, is the most critical aspect to a successful career. Despite this reality, corporate leaders fail to give verbal communication skills priority in their training sessions. Jodi Glickman presents an alternative training process that teaches better verbal skills, while ensuring that that those enhanced communication abilities are utilized effectively and strategically at work. Jodi Glickman provides a four theme strategy to improving language use. Those four themes are:

* Generosity
* Initiative
* Forward Momentum
* Transparency

For me, the power of the book is how Jodi Glickman combines the theory of why verbal communication skills are so important with a practical strategy for enhancing interpersonal conversation abilities. The author shares her ideas in a compelling and easy to understand format that is essential for a book about communication of ideas. Unlike the authors of some books on face to face interaction, Jodi Glickman brings her real world experience to her concepts. The proven techniques and tactics for developing and improving face to face discussions are drawn from the author's career as an entrepreneur and from within a corporate setting. The author has seen first hand, how a failure to communicate effectively and at the right time, can derail the career of even the best and the brightest employees. As a result, Jodi Glickman provides a real service to new employees or seasoned veterans of the business world.

I highly recommend the idea filled and career building book Great on the Job: What to Say, How to Say It. The Secrets of Getting Ahead by Jodi Glickman, to anyone who is serious about taking their interpersonal communication skills to a higher level. The author describes the crucial importance of verbal skills to career success, and provides the language strategies and exercises needed to boost your career within the organization.

Read the advice packed and confidence boosting guidebook Great on the Job: What to Say, How to Say It. The Secrets of Getting Ahead by Jodi Glickman, and discover how and why leveraging your knowledge is more than being good at your work, but that communicating those ideas successfully is even more critical to success. This book will transform an ordinary career into a great one.

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