The Effortless Yes by Julie Steelman - Book review

The Effortless Yes

Demystifying the Selling Process and Discover: Your Selling Archetype, Your Natural Asking Style, Your Bankability

By: Julie Steelman

Published: June 1, 2011
Format: Paperback, 176 pages
ISBN-10: 1936487020
ISBN-13: 978-1936487028
Publisher: Franklin Green Publishing

"Most people have a distaste for selling because it is grossly misunderstood", writes accomplished sales professional and entrepreneur Julie Steelman, in her no nonsense and practical sales idea packed book The Effortless Yes: Demystifying the Selling Process and Discover: Your Selling Archetype, Your Natural Asking Style, Your Bankability. The author describes how many entrepreneurs, including women business owners, dislike and even fear selling, and shares straight forward and effective ways to sell successfully.

Julie Steelman turns traditional thinking about sales upside down and offers a fresh way of thinking about and approaching sales. Instead of treating sales as a task that needs to be done, the author transforms the very idea of selling into an opportunity to provide superior service to customers. While many sales experts view sales as a series of techniques to be mastered, Julie Steelman presents the idea of selling as an enthusiastic and inspiring conversation that is helpful to and understanding of the customer. Julie Steelman shares the alternative sales approach of heart based selling, which is less about sales tactics, and more about caring about the real needs of the customer.

Julie Steelman (photo left) recognizes that many otherwise fearless entrepreneurs, including many successful women entrepreneurs, are terrified of the sales process. Taught in the past to cold call, overcome objections, and apply various prescribed sales techniques, entrepreneurs not only fear failure, but are genuinely concerned that they may not provide real service to the customer. This aversion to and fear of the traditional sales process then morphs into loss of confidence and enthusiasm for sales. Julie Steelman removes these fears and concerns with her heart based sales system. Her ten steps to hear based sales include:

* Be enthusiastic and passionate
* Be inspirational and heartfelt
* Be helpful, caring and service oriented
* Understand how the buyer makes decisions
* Claim your sweet spot
* Avoid three common sales mistakes
* Craft an irresistible presentation
* Use social media wisely
* Stop cold calling
* Overcome objections the right way

For me, the power of the book is how Julie Steelman presents her alternative sales concepts in a very engaging and ready to use format. The author sets out to transform the way entrepreneurs think about and approach the sales process, and achieves that goal. The author points out that women entrepreneurs often have difficulty with traditional sales techniques that aren't aimed at caring for the customer. The author's heart based method addresses those concerns for all entrepreneurs, regardless of gender, who are uncomfortable with standard sales tactics.

Julie Steelman offers very approachable and engaging concepts for sales that help meed the customer's real needs, provide extra service, and provide a real competitive edge over the competition. The change in the entrepreneur's mindset from sales as a terrifying or even humiliating experience, to one of an enthusiastic and inspirational conversation, overcomes the entrepreneur's discomfort and fear of selling. The author also provides many hands on worksheets to assess the entrepreneur's sales progress and to provide background and depth to the overall sales concepts.

I highly recommend the business building and entrepreneurial must read book The Effortless Yes: Demystifying the Selling Process and Discover: Your Selling Archetype, Your Natural Asking Style, Your Bankability by Julie Steelman, to any entrepreneurs who feel frightened or uncomfortable with the sales side of their business. This book removes that fear and discomfort and replaces it with a sense of service to the customer and renewed feeling of well being on the part of the business owner.

Read the very practical and hands on book The Effortless Yes: Demystifying the Selling Process and Discover: Your Selling Archetype, Your Natural Asking Style, Your Bankability by Julie Steelman, and change your thinking on sales and transform sales from a grind to an opportunity to help customers achieve their goals. This book is one for an entrepreneur with a heart and a desire to provide the ultimate in customer service.

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