Link roundup

1. Spider-Man redesign contest announced at Project Rooftop.

2. The Princess Diana fanfic cover got all the attention for the most recent issue of Newsweek, but there's another inspid feature inside about how some mob wives end up poor:
"This is not some glamorous fantasy," says Schiro, known as Big Linda, while her daughter is called Little Linda. She spends most of her days at the kitchen counter of the rented, sparsely furnished Staten Island condo that she shares with Linda and three of Linda’s four children. Instead of gazing at a banquet-length dining table laden with stolen diamonds and gold, as she did many nights during her 30 years with Scarpa, Schiro clears a place amid the box of Cheez-Its and sleeves of Oreos to rest her elbows and put her graying head in her hands. A pair of Yorkshire terriers yap nonstop at her feet. "This is hell, my life."
3. 27 foot tall cardboard box sculpture of a man that was installed in Cordoba, Argentina in 2006.
