New Smog miniatures

It's been far too long - - new Smog miniatures:

Yateem sculpted by Allan Carrasco and painted by Sebastien Picque:
The Black Pharaoh founded this elite battalion for those who could not become Necromancers but were more useful alive than as zombies. These fanatical warriors wear an ibis mask and are totally devoted to their master. Each Guard is given a war Mandrill, raised to kill. In combat, the monkey’s fierce attacks perturb the opponent before the warrior can give the fatal stroke. The Guard always takes one of his victim’s organs as a reward for the Mandrill.

Lady Usher Sculpted by Jacques-Alexandre Gillois and painted by Picque:
Lady Usher belongs to this peculiar but increasingly important part of the English nobility – the living-dead. She lives like a recluse in her grand mansion – which does, however, bear the signs of old age. The neighbours wonder if it is not going to collapse eventually. Lady Usher is decidedly above such mundane preoccupations; she delves into esoteric studies under the curious gaze of her cats.
*You can see more Smog miniatures and Smog cosplay here.

*Buy painted miniatures at eBay.
