Blog SEO power continues to grow

Business world.

That two word phrase, when entered into the Google search interface box, gives back 461 million returns.

That incredible number is double the amount of pages returned, when I wrote about how Blog Business World ranked Number 8 out of 158 million returns last month (March 17 2005).

That previous result for "business world" without quotes, as in... business world ...has since changed.

For the better.

Blog Business World has now moved up the rankings to Number 5 in Google for a search for business world.

When I first wrote about the high ranking in Google, despite the incredibly huge page return (now 461,000,000), the blog SEO power posting was met with some skepticism.

The readers of the popular WebProNews column, where my blog post was republished, were divided on the validity of the results.

Some readers, writing in the WebProNews Forums, agreed that blogs do indeed possess unlimited search engine power. Other commenters were not as convinced about blogs and SEO strength.

The discrediting of the high search engine rankings was based largely on business world not being a very important search.

While that assessment may or may not be true, no one was able to adequately explain why a small business blog was able to rank so highly, in a search the yielded such a vast number of returns. The sheer number of ranked pages alone should have buried my blog deeply in the Google search results.

Note as well that the number of returned documents has more than doubled in the past month, making a strong ranking even more difficult to achieve.

Since that time, my blog has passed the powerful World Bank website, and moved up from #8 to the #5 spot, in the Google search for business world.

Along with the strong Google returns, a search for business world on Yahoo places Blog Business World at #5 as well, up from #19 in March. Note that Yahoo sends back a whopping 333 million pages in its search results.

A commenter on my March 17 post has pointed out that on April 12, 2005, my blog was as high as #3 in a Google search for business world.

That is still a very good result for a little old business blog, whether the search term business world has validity or not.

I believe it's a testament to the SEO power of blogs.

What do you think?

Related blog SEO power posts for reference:

Blogs equal SEO power in searches March 17, 2005

SEO blog power revisited March 20, 2005

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