Carnival of the Un-Capitalists entries request

There is a new blog carnival in town.

It's called Carnival of the Un-Capitalists, and it's mainly targeted at those bloggers who are not as supportive of business as the hosts, entering bloggers, and the readers of Carnival of the Capitalists.

Of course, as a strong supporter of entrepreneurship and starting your own small business, I also know that business isn't perfect.

As a result, we supporters of business should pay attention to the Carnival of the Un-Capitalists.

In fact, it's a classic error on the part of any business person, whether on Main Street or Wall Street, to believe that to be the case. Business failures are often the result of over confidence, poor management, and occasionally of unethical business practices.

Business and capitalism supporters should welcome honest critics of business and their points of view. Provided the critiques are factual, and presented in a constructive way, business opponents can actually be your best friends.

While some of their statements might sting a little, sometimes they are just what is necessary to prevent some business people from embracing disastrous policies. As a result, the critics of business are essential to the health of business.

My friend Gretchen Ross, of of the very eclectic The Green Lantern, is hosting this week's Carnival of the Un-Capitalists.

She is seeking some interesting posts, from supporters of Capitalism, who address some of the challenges faced by a business and the economy. Post entries could include problems of marketing, sales, or customer service; along with issues involving the economy.

I sent her a post on what I believed was an example of weak customer service and poor marketing.

Send your Carnival of the Un-Capitalists entries to Gretchen Ross, of The Green Lantern at:

Gretchen is accepting posts until 8:00 am Eastern Time on Monday morning.

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