Free teleseminar: Conversations with experts - Yvonne DiVita

Conversations with Experts: How to Build Your Business On and Off-line

Hosted by Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff of Build a Better Blog System.

Ever Wanted to Write a Book? There Has Never Been A Better Time to Realize that Dream than Now!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005, 8:30 p.m. ET

Guest Expert: Yvonne DiVita, Windsor Media Enterprises

Yvonne writes:

"Every day at WMEBooks we meet another budding author. These are people just like you. Creative men and women who have a great story to tell, but aren't sure how to tell it. They're business professionals with years of experience and a desire to share their expertise with a growing demographic of entrepreneurs."

"Dreamers who dare to dream of becoming the next nationally recognized author. Even those who simply want to feel the elation of personal accomplishment by writing, publishing and marketing something that is their very own. If you have a story to tell or if you know of someone who does, learn how to do it -- cost-effectively, and successfully, without losing the rights to your work, or being led down the garden path, which happens to too many talented people when they approach publishing the old Dick and Jane way -- by asking a traditional publisher to handle their manuscript."

Yvonne DiVita is the president and founder of Windsor Media Enterprises, LLC, which includes WME Books, an author services company to help writers produce, print and sell their work; Smart Marketing to Women Online, which helps online merchants reach the largest, most wealthy demographic in the world – women; and the Business Blogging Boot Camp, where Yvonne and her team teach small business owners why they should be blogging, and then teaches them how to blog.

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Conversations with Experts is sponsored by Build a Better Blog System.

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