Toxic customers: Business problems to be

Toxic customers.

My very good friend David St. Lawrence of Ripples suggests avoiding what he terms "toxic customers" at all cost in your business. He believes they are nothing but problems from the moment they cross your real world or internet threshold.

David was commenting on my recent post titled "SEO Business: Real world marketing" where I described a phone conversation with just such a person. David agreed with many of the other people commenting on the post as well. All commenters believed this person offered little in the way of business; along with his complete lack of SEO understanding.

Some commenting bloggers were certain the person would never pay. The consensus was this person would be a nightmare client from day one. Such toxic clients are to be avoided and not let to pollute your customer or client list. They are not only money losers, but cause loss of sleep, hair, and probably your sanity.

They are not worth the effort.

Fortunately, I don't take on every potential client who asks about SEO services or for internet marketing assistance. I screen my clients carefully. There is a very good reason for this care on my part. As a marketing and SEO professional, I become very closely involved with the inner workings of my clients' businesses.

I take a role in some companies similar to that of a Board of Directors member.

As a result of my working with clients, I have access to some inner company business, numbers, and data. Al of this information is kept very confidential. I refuse to ever disclose it to others. My word is good and my lips are sealed.

A business relationship of this close and confidential nature would never be possible with a toxic client. We would simply never get that far into the discussions.

As such, David St. Lawrence need never fear that I would accept a toxic individual, and all of the problems that situation would entail, into my business.

Life is too short for that sort of headache.

Business should be enjoyable.

Toxic clients take the fun out of operating a business, so they are not clients of mine.

I just say No.

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