Garage sales: More saving ideas

If your startup or even ongoing small business is like most, maintaining your cash flow is often a challenge. Especially difficult is making needed purchases of equipment or furniture when your money supply is tight. Perhaps used items (or previously owned, if you prefer) might take care of your business needs.

In a previous post, I have already discussed the buying power of auction sales. A second source of much needed items is the ubiquitous, and often maligned garage sale. If lowering your purchasing costs is important, or even imperative, then the garage or yard sale might be the place for you.

Garage sales offer literally everything from small items to automobiles. There is no limit on the possibilities on offer, and all at reasonable prices. Note that in all cases, the depreciation on the item has been taken by someone else. After all, you are not buying retail and you are also avoiding the payment of additional sales taxes. You are purchasing the item at something closer to its real value.

Furniture is one of the mainstays of the garage sale, and offices usually are in need of chairs, tables, lamps, and other similar furnishings. That much needed sofa, for the waiting area or lobby, might be only a few dollars away at a neighbourhood yard sale. While care must be taken with all garage sale buying, the prices are very difficult to beat.

Unlike auction sales where the price works its way upwards, the prices at a garage sale are designed for negotiation. In fact, for many people, the haggling over the final price is half the fun of garage sale buying. If you can't get the item for your price, simply move on to the next garage sale. What you need might be available up the street for less.

Garage sales require a bit of strategy. Prior to setting out on your buying quest, chack the newspapaer classified ads section for a list of sales. Establish a route, and start out early. Try to attend the sales as early as possible. While some people dislike early birds, other sellers are happy to make that first sale of the day. As well, most sellers enjoy the bargaining aspect of the sale, so don't be shy about making a reasonable offer for the items you want to buy.

Keep in mind that garage sales are a numbers game. You have to attend many to find those hidden treasures. For that reason, don't spend too long at any one sale. If they don't have what you need, move along to the next yard sale on your list. Moving too slowly will lower the number of attended sales. As a result, your chances of filling your buying needs are not as good.

Many people think they don't have the time to attend garage sales. While that may be true for some people, it's not a fact for everyone. Think of the time you would have to spend in most retail outlets, finding sales representatives, and buying from them. The time factor is not much different, and garages sales are more fun anyway. After all, you could also find a few collectible or antique items for yourself along the way.

Don't let the stigma of used items, or the lowly garage sale image deter you from using that valuable buyind resource. While it's true that you will probably have to wade through many bad sales, you will also find some great ones. If they have what your business requires in the way of office furniture, business equipment, tools, or other needed items, you are well ahead of the game.

Think of garage sales as a way of conserving your cash flow. The health of your small business might depend upon it.

Make a list of garage sales in your area, and have some fun. The money you save will be your own.

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