Visitor logs: Helping your readers

Visitor referrer logs are valuable records to examine, from time to time. Of course, the definition of time to time can vary considerably. For many bloggers, the visitor log examination can take place almost every minute of the day.

In almost all cases, the blog visitor logs get more than one peek a day.

Admit it. You do it. No one will scold you for your honesty.

It's not just an exercise in ego or vanity to read your visitor log records. In fact, it might be the nicest thing you can do for the interests of your regular and new readership. Instead of thinking of your visitor logs as being all about you and your blog, think of them in terms of your blog readership.

In the referrer records, there are probably indications of the keywords and phrases that discovered your blog through searches for information. Everyone who uses a search engine types in a search phrase in the hope of finding some relevant information on the subject. If the phrase found your blog, then one of the major search engines including Google, Yahoo, or MSN Search, thought your blog posts were important information. After all, your blog did appear in their search results.

By having that search information at your fingertips, you know what information that your visitors need. If the search is for some area of interest to you and your blog, and that was the topic of one of your blog posts, then it makes sense to write even more posts on the topic. The more search phrases that are included in your blog posts, the more searches will locate your blog. More importantly, however, your blog will grow in importance in terms of the information that it provides to the public.

After all, that's what your visitors want. They want to learn more about your blog's topics and themes. It's up to you to provide them, and your blog's visitor logs will indicate how your blog was found.

I know that it's fun to write new posts, on fresh areas of interest. We all do that, and we blog that way every day. Sometimes, it makes sense to step back, and examine what your readers want to find at your blog. Instead of simply writing a post about what you want, perhaps it's time to turm the issue around completely. Write posts that your visitors want to read.

To use a product marketing analogy, you are listening to the needs and desires of your current and future customer base. In this case, you existing blog customers are your regular readers, while new visitor traffic represents new clientele.

As we all are aware, I hope, a business that refuses to meet the needs of its customers doesn't stay in operation for long. Blogs can suffer the same fate, if the blog writer's post topics are of interest to almost no one. If no one reads your blog postings, then your blog will never find a larger audience. For business blogs, a growing and active reading audience is essential to its success.

The customer, or in this case, the blog reader knows best. If they can't find useful and informative posts on your blog, they will look elsewhere for what they require.

Keep reading those visitor referrer logs, and continue searching for the interests of your readers. The searches that found your blog will provide that information. If the same search phrase leads to your blog over and over again, it's time to consider writing more posts on that topic. After all, that's what your visitors want to read.

Your increased blog traffic will be there to prove the idea, of writing for the reader, to be a sound one. For business bloggers, the end result will be greater numbers of prospects and customers.

Oh. The information on your higher traffic level is contained in your blog visitor logs too.

Keep reading your blog visitor blogs, and help your readers find the information they seek.

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