Blogging: The lazy person's way

Are you getting lazy about regular posting to your blog? Are you feeling that it's just too time consuming to find topics and then have to develop them into worthwhile ideas? Do you think your time could be better utilized in some other manner than writing yet another blog post?

That sense of blog burnout has happened to everyone from time to time. You even can sense the symptoms. Instead of posting to your own blog, you read every blog on your links directory; and then onto every new blog's links you can find; plus everything appearing on your entire blog RSS feed reader besides.

Perhaps, you had a better idea of how to spend your time. Taking a tour of the offline world, and enjoying the great outdoors, beats blogging hands down. The wonders of nature trump almost everything blog related. Blogs are fine in their place, but they are not the end goal of any business or hobby. They are simply a means to an end. A blog is merely a tool.

That's right. A blog is just another tool in your repetoire. Like a hammer or saw or a pipe wrench, a blog has its uses. A blog also has its limitations. While a blog can help establish and develop long term business and personal relationships with others, the blog can just as easily deliver less than expected results. Failed blogs result from many factors. One of those factors is placing lofty expectations on the blog as if it were some mythical magic bullet. Instead of building relationships, the blog can often create posting stress and blog burnout.

That's why it's important to take time to smell the proverbial roses.

It's not a bad thing to be lazy about your blogging. Don't worry about any sense of guilt or some misplaced Puritan work ethic. Those concepts, whether outmoded or not, have absolutely nothing to do with maintaining a successful blog. Hard work and dedication will build a better blog, but they won't create the perfect one.

A good blog post requires some degree of care. A good blog posting can add many more new visitors to your blog. Other people will link to it. Your regular readers will e-mail a link to their friends and family. The word of mouth, or should we say word of keyboard, will provide much of the viral marketing your blog requires. The news will spread even while you sleep. I knew you would like that part.

A bad blog posting can send your regular visitors to another blog in a hurry. New traffic will simply pass on through your stop on the information super highway. In other words, it's better to have no post appear on your blog than an inferior one. Bad posts sink blogs.

Instead of being concerned about being lazy, and worried about not posting, use the time for more important things. Family and friends are infinitely more valuable than a slapped together post about...well...not much; or less.

Missing days of posting can be refreshing. A short break can help to refocus the mind on what your blog is truly all about. Take those days off to redevelop some new goals for your blog, as well as a workable plan to achieve them. Keeping your blog on topic is helpful, for those regular readers, who turn to your blog for specific information.

After all that talk about being lazy, I think I'll go commune with nature. The sky is blue, and the grass is green. Birds are singing filling the air with music.

After my sojourn in the great outdoors, and some time weeding the garden, I'll probably take a nap.

What could better display the lazy person's style of blogging than that!

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