All your base are belong to us

All your base are belong to us.

That is the cult classic line from a very badly translated Japanese video game. The term has become an underground slang part of the English language. While I don't write much in the way of slang on my blog, I avoid profanity as a form of written expression. I prefer not to write in that way.

On the other hand, many bloggers rely heavily on slang and four letter words for shock value on their blogs. I have no problem with anyone writing any way that they choose. In fact, that's one of the most important features of blogging. You can write whatever you want in the way of topics and vocabulary selection. The blogger is the editor.

Because a blogger self edits each post, there is the possibility of inconsistent quality. Of course, having a bad editor wouldn't correct that shortcoming anyway. While a good editor can guide a writer to bring out more of the background and dig more deeply for information, a poor editor is of little help at all. The blogger is on at least equal ground with a writer working with an incompetent editor. I would prefer to be self edited instead.

As bloggers, we can write whatever we want, and build relationships based on that open and transparent message. There are no editors or gatekeepers demanding we remove words, sentences, paragraphs, or even entire postings. We have freedom of expression to use in any way that we choose.

And I always wanted to write "all your bases are belong to us". With a blog, I can post that sentence, with the famous bad grammar and all.

After all, blogging is all about freedom of choice and freedom of expression. You are always free to post whatever you choose as your topic and your writing style.

That is the power of blogging.

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