Conversations with experts: Sylva Leduc - Free teleseminar

Conversations with Experts: How to Build Your Business On and Off-line

Are You Committed to Achieving Your Goals or Just Kinda' Interested?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006, 8:30 p.m. ET (no charge, registration required)

Guest Expert: Sylva Leduc, Leadership Coach, Window Syl

How often have you heard someone lament they aren't achieving the goals they set for themselves? People can have great ideas, yet lack the process, structure and commitment to achieve their goals. So they don't stick to their plan.

Syl Leduc calls it "pin-the-tail on the donkey goal setting," an ineffective hit-or-miss approach to success. Is this you? It may be that you convinced yourself you're committed to your goals when you're only kinda' interested in success.

Okay, so is there a better way? Absolutely! Join Denise and Patsi as they talk with Syl about getting the results you want, year after year.

Syl Leduc, MEd, MPEC (pictured left) is a Leadership Specialist and Business Coach. She's a self proclaimed "techno geek" who founded (now former president of) a software company, called Client Compass. Syl is committed to making every year the Best Year Yet for herself and her clients. At Desktop Goals you can attend a free online goal planning workshop (use the "secret" password). Visit her blog Window Syl and learn what name you should never, ever call her.

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