Business ideas: Understanding wisdom

“When a person is ready, the information appears.”

That's an old saying about how when a person is ready to truly hear wisdom, it will arrive right on schedule. The ideas are also very likely to be heard, and best understood just as they are needed most. Of course, that wisdom was always readily available. The person simply wasn't always prepared to listen.

A major problem facing many people, whether in business or their personal lives, is keeping a open mind to new ideas. Many people will swear on several stacks of sacred texts that they keep an open mind to new ideas. The fact is that most people are not receptive to any ideas that contradict their current world view. The only way for those people to move even a tiny bit from their comfort zone is through a major shock.

In business, that major shock may be an economic downturn, a natural disaster, or near bankruptcy of the company. In personal life, shock can range from financial problems to family breakdown. Faced with the abyss, even the most stubborn individual will thrash around for solutions. All too often, the solutions chosen are the wrong ones for the situation. Once these non-answers are discarded as unsuited to the disaster being faced, is the person ready for true wisdom. Indeed, there may be no other option.

Accepting a new idea out of desperation means it may not be valued for the wisdom contained within its concepts. That is a problem for the recipient, as the person isn't being open to wisdom, but is only seeking a quick fix. Instead of treating the information as words to live by, the thoughts are simply a life preserver to be discarded once on dry land again. That is not open minded acceptence of wisdom. True acceptence of wisdom is all about understanding and internalizing the truths contained in the ideas. Sometimes, those truths can provide an uncomfortable wake up call.

As the old adage goes, the information appears when the recipient is ready to listen. That preparedness includes discarding long held beliefs that are false, or at least no longer valid. For most people, the admission that everything or even anything they know is wrong, is unsettling at the very least. Many people are unable to take that leap at all. They are simply unable to accept that they may be wrong about anything. As a result, they often face crises, and will seek any way out of the disaster. Very often, the solutions grasped are less than helpful, because of the failure to let go of long held beliefs.

True wisdom can only be accepted when you let go of long held, but no longer valid beliefs. You have to be prepared to listen with an open mind to the concepts offered to you. Only then will the best information present itself. In other words, you must be ready for it.

When you are ready for wisdom, precisely the information you require will appear.

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