My Office Is A 3-Ring Circus by Judith "JudiM" Weigle - Book Review

My Office Is A 3-Ring Circus

Must I Take Orders From Clowns

Author: Judith "JudiM" Weigle

Published: Jun 1, 2005

164 pp (Paperback)

ISBN: 13-978-0-595-35185-5

Publisher: iUniverse Inc.

Many people describe their office as being a three ring circus because of the crazy practices and ideas operating in their workplace. Judith "JudiM" Weigle, in her enlightening book My Office Is A 3-Ring Circus: Must I Take Orders From Clowns, uses her experiences from working at a real life circus to enhance the reader's business and career success.

With a combination of humor, and savvy advice gleaned from under the big top, Judith Weigle tells it like it is in the highly competitive world of the circus. Her anecdotes ranging from working with less than courteous clowns, to juggling her new marriage with the demands of her career, are supplemented with practical ideas that can be applied to any business or employment situation.

Far from being all clowns, elephants, and trapeze artists, a circus is a tightly run business. Moving a circus from venue to venue requires the removal of an entire small town, and rebuilding it in an identical format at the next location. As the author explains, that efficient transition is no small feat. For Judith, working with the circus was a dream job that had powerful lessons for employees in any industry.

Judith "JudiM" Weigle (shown left)

As with any workplace, the circus has its share of personal disputes, changes of personnel and business direction, and the occasional financial crisis. Judith Weigle (photo left) uses her real life experiences, in each of these disparate cases, to illustrate how the situation was handled. The crises are presented with lighthearted touch, but provide very solid ideas for protecting yourself in similar circumstances. At the same time, Judith describes how the circus business was also improved from the actions.

For me, the power of the book is in its enjoyable, easy to read style and presentation. Anecdotes are blended with the concept being discussed with a natural flowing technique. The usually humorous story demonstrates the career and business success idea for each chapter and book section. She shows how change in the workplace and personal self assertion can boost your career opportunities, while maintaining your personal ethics and integrity.

I recommend My Office Is A 3-Ring Circus: Must I Take Orders From Clowns by Judith "JudiM" Weigle for anyone who takes their career seriously enough to laugh about it, while learning some crucial lessons. As an added bonus, the book arrives in a midway concessions popcorn bag, along with your very own red clown nose. You never know when the red nose might be handy at work.

Read the book and you will never again have to take orders from a clown.

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