The Innkeeper Tales by John Herman - Book review

The Innkeeper Tales

Author: John L. Herman
Publisher: HSB Press
Publication Date: February 15, 2007
ISBN: 978-097902040-7
Hardcover: 288 pages

A group of stranded business travelers whiling away the evening in conversation and storytelling, in the style of Chaucer's classic Canterbury Tales, is the premise of John Herman's The Innkeeper Tales. Combining entertaining characters, telling true stories of their business careers, the author provides a heaping helping of practical business advice for the reader.

Long time entrepreneur John Herman operated The Abercrombie Bed and Breakfast in Baltimore, Maryland for many years. An early spring blizzard found a group of storm stayed business people talking about their lives and experiences, all with the guidance and care of the author. The resulting collection of tales is not only a fascinating study of human nature, but contains insights into business that is not always present in more tradional business books. The narrative links keep the often hilarious entertainment flowing; and the business advice sparkles on every page.

John Herman's (photo left) masterful book is also more than the sum of its parts. Along with the enjoyment of reading along with the intriguing characters, is the glimpses into their personal lives. Told with often tragic and bittersweet directness, the rebirth of hopes and dreams echoes from each interwoven story. Lives rebuilt and reborn, told with a mixture of joy and sorrow, shows the human condition through the voices of the wayward travelers. Regrets are few, and the laughter is plentiful, as stories of families and businesses are shared among strangers.

The reader, along with learning business advice of the first order, discovers the brotherhood of humanity and the kinship even among strangers. After the evening of festivities, formerly unknown individuals share a comradeship and become friends, as if they knew one another all of their lives. John Herman conveys the sense of the power of the human spirit, and its ability to rise above adversity. With laughter and fellowship, the storm bound group becomes a microcosm of humanity.

Whether you are a business person looking for advice, or someone seeking guidance in the challenges of life, John Herman's work, The Innkeeper Tales, is a fine place to begin the quest. Take your shoes off and pull up an easy chair, and share an evening with a group of amiable characters, as they discuss business ideas and the joy of life itself.

You will certainly want to visit with the stranded traveling companions at The Abercrombie again and again.

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