John Herman: Successful entrepreneurship with a smile - Blog Business Succes Radio

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Long time entrepreneur and bed and breakfast owner John Herman, author of The Innkeeper Tales, shares ideas for successful entrepreneurship and how to not fear failure, all served up with a smile, and how they can boost your business, as my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on Blog Talk Radio.

The show airs live on Thursday, April 26, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

John Herman discusses how he has operated over 20 businesses and has helped in the sale of over 200 companies. You will learn:

* Why the knowing the cost of goods sold is so crucial to success

* How to make the right business decision regardless of the money involved

* Why failure is not fatal to you and your entrepreneurial career

* How to roll with the punches that life gives you and return even stronger

John L. Herman Jr. (photo left) (known as just “Herman”) is a business failure expert. Not because he fails in business, but because he knows why businesses fail (and some households, too).

Herman owned more than 20 companies: some succeeded, some failed. One became publicly traded, sold stock for 20 times the opening price, and soon went bust. Herman then ran a brokerage firm: he consulted with over 1,000 owners of failing companies. In effect, he was a “corporate hit man” for the banks: they would convince owners to hire him, to recoup their loan money. And he did it well — because he understood what the owners were facing. In fact, he was recognized across the country as an expert witness in corporate bankruptcy cases.

Herman’s two books — The Innkeeper Tales and Hermanisms — show readers why they need to face failure head on. His books also stress that what you can learn when something fails may be worth more to you than if the venture succeeds. And Herman delivers his message with a style unlike most business books: his books entertain you while they deliver true inspiring stories of individuals overcoming failure.

My book review of The Innkeeper Tales by John Herman

Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Let's talk with John Herman and learn about business success and how business business failure is not fatal, and how his ideas will take your business to the next level of success, on Blog Business Success Radio.

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