Death of the American Investor by Nico Willis - Book review

Death of the American Investor

The Emergence of New Global Eshareholder

By: Nico R. Willis

Published: January 2011
Format: Paperback, 237 pages
ISBN-10: 0615392628
ISBN-13: 978-0615392622
Publisher: Networth Publications

"To understand our present situation, we must acknowledge and learn from the past. The stock market is consistently cyclical in nature", writes President and CEO if NetWorth Services, Inc., Nico R. Willis, in his visionary and empowering book Death of the American Investor: The Emergence of New Global Eshareholder. The author takes the reader on a guided tour of the tumultuous past, the unsettled present, and the fascinating future of Wall Street and of the investment world.

Nico Willis recognizes the importance of studying and understanding history to create a deeper insight into future events. The author shares an insider history of Wall Street through its many cycles of crashes, booms, and times of relative tranquility. The author knows from history that the stock market is cyclical in nature, and that those cycles occur at very regular intervals. Nico Willis points out that bubbles can turn quickly to crashes, and that at the lowest points of the market the market begins a fresh upward climb. Through an examination of the past, Nico Willis provides a powerful crystal ball peering into the stock market's future over the long term.

Nico R. Willis (photo left) Examines how the past cycles of the stock market continue to the present day, and will continue to function well into the future. The author looks at how today's roller coaster market, complete with its bubbles, crashes, and ponzi scheme operators, is just one more part of the long cyclical market history. The historical study, of a market driven by emotion and social mood, provides both a warning and a promise for the average investor. Nico Willis sees the market as rising like a phoenix from the ashes, and a new form of stock market developing, based on electronic trade and a cashless society. The author describes how modern investments function and operate in the current market economy.

Nico Willis shares a vision of a new global eShareholder appearing as a direct outgrowth of globalization, high technology, and the internet. Armed with better information, and much more education than past investors, the eShareholder will operate like a professional market trader. The future of investing relies on the knowledge of the cyclical nature of the market, access to information, management of expectations, and proper execution of trades.

For me, the power of the book is how Nico Willis provides a strong historical background to his investment strategy. By examining closely how the market cycles have worked in the past, the author helps the investor recognize the market cycles and their regular appearances. With this knowledge, an investor can avoid being trapped in a falling market, or miss out on gains in a rising market. Through a study of the present market conditions, Nico Willis offers a real time case study in how the market operates at any given moment. The combination of the past and the present, along with a clear understanding of the cyclical nature of the market provides a clear insight to consider the future of the market. Nico Willis shares in vivid detail his own vision of the market.

Nico Willis describes the rise of the global eShareholder as a natural outgrowth of today's investor, and he also places this new electronic investor into a clear historical context. The author emphasizes that stock market cycles will not disappear in the future. He also points out that emotion, in the form of the investment social mood, will govern the mass entry and exit from the market. This has always been the case, and will continue to be the case in the future. Overall, Nico Willis is a clear eyed realist, who applies that reality to creating a vision of the future of the stock market. With that historical knowledge in hand, any investor can benefit from reading this book, and put that information to work for them.

I highly recommend the concise and thought provoking book Death of the American Investor: The Emergence of New Global Eshareholder by Nico R. Willis, to any investor who seeks a long term appraisal of the stock market, from both a historical perspective, and a vision of the future. This book provides solid analysis of the past, present, and future of the stock market in a realistic and clear eyed manner. Nico Willis doesn't pull any punches or gloss over problems. The author's straight talk makes this book an excellent read and a useful long term textbook for investors.

Read the valuable and informative book Death of the American Investor: The Emergence of New Global Eshareholder by Nico R. Willis, and put this wisdom and experience shared in this fine book to work for your investments. This book will prepare you for investing today, and to become a global eShareholder in the future as well.

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