Split-Second Persuasion by Kevin Dutton - Book review

Split-Second Persuasion

The Ancient Art and New Science of Changing Minds

By: Kevin Dutton, Ph.D.

Published: February 3, 2011
Format: Hardcover, 304 pages
ISBN-10: 0151012792
ISBN-13: 978-0151012794
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

"It's largely because of persuasion that we have a "society" at all", writes psychologist and research fellow with the Faraday Institute of Science and Religion at Cambridge University, Kevin Dutton, Ph.D., in his insightful and thought provoking book Split-Second Persuasion: The Ancient Art and New Science of Changing Minds. The author describes how people have developed a sense of persuasion that works to protect them, influence others, and to build a working culture and society.

Kevin Dutton provides a highly readable and very entertaining discussion, not only of how people are inclined toward persuasion, but also why persuasion is such an elemental aspect of human life. For the author, persuasion is a natural part of being human, and as a result people persuade, or are persuaded, hundreds of times each and every day. The art and science of persuasion, as described by the author, is so critical to human society, that people could not exist without it as a societal bonding agent. Although people are hardwired for persuading and for being persuaded, not everyone shares equal abilities to convince others of an opinion, idea, or action. Kevin Dutton shares ideas for improving persuasion skills, why different people possess different persuasive skills, and why these are important concepts to consider for everyone.

Kevin Dutton, Ph.D. (photo left) recognizes an inborn strain of persuasive ability that appears, in many different and seemingly unconnected form,s and in very widely diverse people. The very principle of changing other peoples' minds is not only important from a societal viewpoint, but can even mean the very survival of the individual. Kevin Dutton shares stories of ordinary people, and of the super persuaders who have finely tuned mind changing skills. Through an understanding of how these exceptional persuaders achieve their goals, the author discerns the skills necessary for the improvement of persuasion skills overall. Kevin Dutton points to newborn infants as a perfect example of extreme persuasive skills that appeal to everyone, even people entirely without connection to the baby. The author also examines how group dynamics influence the ability to persuade or be persuaded, by applying the latest studies into brain science. He even looks into how brain activity can cause a person to believe completely something that is demonstrably not true.

For me, the power of the book is how Kevin Dutton describes the concept of persuasion in an engaging and persuasive manner. Indeed, the author utilizes the power of persuasion in presenting his case, making the book even more important to read and understand. Kevin Dutton combines the latest research in brain studies and neuroscience, with stories and anecdotes of real world persuasion in action. Drawing examples as different as shamans, advertisers, hostage negotiators, and psychopaths, Kevin Dutton emphasizes that the techniques of persuasion, and of being convinced to change one's mind even in the face of factual evidence, are universal. With both the real world examples, and the latest scientific discoveries in hand, the author provides important advice for improving one's own persuasion skills; and for recognizing when those same methods are used by others. Since people make decisions in an instant, the information and discoveries offered in this book make it an important volume.

I highly recommend the must read and groundbreaking book Split-Second Persuasion: The Ancient Art and New Science of Changing Minds by Kevin Dutton, Ph.D., to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of how and why we are persuaded to make the small and major decisions of our lives. This fine book teaches the average person how the most persuasive individuals change the minds of others, as well as how groups of people can experience a mind changing event as well.

Read the entertaining and idea filled book Split-Second Persuasion: The Ancient Art and New Science of Changing Minds by Kevin Dutton, Ph.D., and discover the hidden importance of both the art and science of persuasion to society. The concepts presented in this book will change your mind about how your mind is changed.

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