Instant Influence
How to Get Anyone to Do Anything--Fast
By: Michael V. Pantalon, Ph.D.
Published: May 9, 2011
Format: Hardcover, 256 pages
ISBN-10: 0316083348
ISBN-13: 978-0316083348
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company
"Instant Influence is the only scientifically proven method for motivating people in seven minutes or less. It gets people to take action by encouraging them to find their own reasons for doing what you are asking of them", by motivational coach, consultant, therapist, and faculty member at Yale School of Medicine, Michael V. Pantalon, Ph.D., in his transformational and inspirational book Instant Influence: How to Get Anyone to Do Anything--Fast. The author describes how to overcome resistance ti help people change their behavior for their own reasons.
Michael Panatlon understands that people will not make changes in their lives, actions, or behavior because someone else tells them to change. Instead, they will push back with even more resistance and refusal to alter their behavior. The author turns that problem upside down with the Instant Influence technique. Instead of telling people why they should change, the concept helps people to discover their own reasons for taking action, even for something they didn't want to do at all. Michael Panatalon demonstrates how to ask people why they might like to make changes, resulting in effective and lasting improvement in their work or lives, for reasons of their own. As the author makes clear, people do things in life for their own reasons, and not for those recommended or demanded by other people.

Michael V. Pantalon, Ph.D. (photo left) recognizes that people act for their own reasons. As a result, the author suggests that the influencing person reinforce the other person's autonomy. This preparation gives the person needing the change the inner motivation to uncover their own reasons for fresh behavior. Autonomy forms the foundation of the first Instant Influence principles:
* No one absolutely has to do anything; the choice is always yours
* Everyone already has enough motivation
With the autonomy recognized and respected by the influencing individual, the six steps of the Instant Influence process can be utilized to facilitate change. The six questions to be asked of the influencee are:
* Why might you change?
* How ready are you to change on a scale of 1 to 10?
* Why didn't you pick a lower number?
* Imagine you have changed. What would the positive outcomes be?
* Why are those outcomes important to you?
* Whats the next step, if any?
For me, the power of the book is how Michael Pantalon presents the concept of Instant Influence in an easy to understand and actionable format. Along with the exercises and step by step lessons for putting the techniques into practice, are some realistic dialogues that illustrate how the process works, and how people's resistance evolves their own reasons for change. Perhaps, even more importantly, the author shows real respect for the autonomy and self esteem of the person making the changes within themselves.
This important empathy for personal dignity, and individual right to choose one's own outcomes, is an integral part of the entire Instant Influence process. Helping others make their own choices, and changes on their own terms, is more lasting and effective than any forced change. At the same time, people are genuinely empowered to make their own decisions on how and why they seek to make changes in their own behavior. The author presents the value of the process for working with people at home and work, but also shares additional methods for achieving behavioral change in strangers.
I highly recommend the empowering and real change facilitating book Instant Influence: How to Get Anyone to Do Anything--Fast by Michael V. Pantalon, Ph.D., to anyone seeking to utilize these effective change creating techniques to help others improve their lives. This concept requires only seven minutes to achieve positive results, making it not only effective, but time saving as well. Th ease of use makes the system much more likely to be embraced, and its real benefits put into action.
Read the empowering and very practical book Instant Influence: How to Get Anyone to Do Anything--Fast by Michael V. Pantalon, Ph.D., and put these life changing concepts into practice in improving your life, and the lives of others. Whether the behavioral change is needed in the workplace, at home, or in encounters with strangers, this book provides the strategies necessary to motivate anyone to create a better life for themselves and other people.