The Power of Real-Time Social Media Marketing by Beverly Macy & Teri Thompson - Book review

The Power of Real-Time Social Media Marketing

How to Attract and Retain Customers and Grow the Bottom Line in the Globally Connected World

By: Beverly Macy, Teri Thompson

Published: December 13,2010
Format: Hardcover, 272 pages
ISBN-10: 0071752633
ISBN-13: 978-0071752633
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional

"The merging of real-time with social media-empowered conversations has become rocket fuel for the world of marketing", write CEO and co-founder of Gravity Summit and managing partner of Y&M Partners, Beverly Macy; and creative director at Gravity Summit and the president of Rocky Peak Enterprises, LLC, Teri Thompson, in their innovative and insightful book The Power of Real-Time Social Media Marketing: How to Attract and Retain Customers and Grow the Bottom Line in the Globally Connected World. The authors describe the power of the fusion of social media with real-time thinking in the global marketplace.

Beverly Macy (photo left) and Teri Thompson understand the value for brands and organizations in developing and enhancing their conversations with customers and potential evangelists. At the same time, the authors point out that traditional media is not dead, and can become another integral part of a real-time marketing strategy. Where the authors discover their breakthrough concept, is the incorporation of real-time thinking and action into the conversation with customers and clients. Viewing marketing through this dynamic new real-time lens means creating conversations and capitalizing on new prospects immediately. The demand for engagement on the part of customers, according to the authors, doesn't represent a problem or threat; but rather a tremendous opportunity for brands and causes.

Teri Thompson (photo left) and Beverly Macy present a solution, to the unyielding market forces of the real-time web, where a brand or cause can appear and vanish forever in a heartbeat. Through the many free social media tools, a company can build a conversation and following in that same eye blink of real-time. The demand for engagement on the part of prospects and existing clients creates a built in demand for conversation and developing relationships. The authors advice wisely against simply becoming a broadcaster of even allegedly value added information. Instead, the authors recommend wise listening to discover what conversation about the brand is occurring, and where that discussion is taking place in real-time. The authors make the very insightful distinction between superficial listening, and what they call granular listening. The necessity of authenticity and transparency becomes apparent as the brand enters the real-time web where unlimited choice exists and true listening and conversation is only a single click away for everyone.

For me, the power of the book is how Beverly Macy and Teri Thompson combine their theoretical framework of real-time social media engagement with real world case studies of the concepts in action. The pairing of the recommendations with their results and effects when put to the test gives this book real value. The authors present a fresh approach to social media, by grounding its usage in the real-time global online community. At the same time, the authors acknowledge the continuing value of traditional media and marketing techniques, and how to incorporate them into a real-time web conversation.

The authors provide some intriguing concepts that are certain to generate some good discussion. One of the ideas is that strategy and tactics are flexible, and that tactics can even be developed in advance of an overall strategy. The authors also provide a fresh approach to measuring real-time social media effectiveness. Another fascinating area where the authors demonstrate innovative thinking is their forecast for the future of real time social media, and for the emergence of the next lens through further advancements in technology and the evolution of social media tools.

I highly recommend the must read and engaging book The Power of Real-Time Social Media Marketing: How to Attract and Retain Customers and Grow the Bottom Line in the Globally Connected World by Beverly Macy and Teri Thompson, to anyone seeking a case study based approach to assessing the value and benefits of real-time social media marketing, through granular listening and authentic engagement.

Read the valuable and idea filled book The Power of Real-Time Social Media Marketing: How to Attract and Retain Customers and Grow the Bottom Line in the Globally Connected World by Beverly Macy and Teri Thompson, and discover the latest in evolutionary and revolutionary ideas for real-time marketing. The hands on case studies alone will cause you reconsider your own thoughts on social media marketing.

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