Relationships Made Easy by David Fraser - Book review

Relationships Made Easy

How to get on with the people you need to get on with...and stay friends with everyone else

By: Dr. David Fraser

Published April 8, 2010
Format: Paperback, 288 pages
ISBN-10: 1906316538
ISBN-13: 978-1906316532
Publisher: Hothive Publishing

"Most of us could have much more success and happiness at work and in our personal lives if we paid a bit more attention to the skills we use in our relationships and the state of mind we bring to them", writes change agent, broadcaster on business and personal relationships, and engineer Dr. David Fraser, in his insightful and inspirational book Relationships Made Easy: How to get on with the people you need to get on with...and stay friends with everyone else. The author describes the career, business, and life benefits to improving interpersonal relationships, and shares practical techniques and exercises that anyone can use to change their lives for the better.

David Fraser understands the critical importance that being able to get along well with others plays in a person's professional and everyday lives. The author points out that the individual who is confident in their ability to work well with other people has a distinct career advantage over someone who struggles with developing good rapport with people. Not only is the better relationship builder more likely to have more friends and colleagues, but will also be a better manager and leader of people in all aspects of their professional careers. David Fraser offers refreshing hope for people who struggle with developing either close personal or strong professional relationships in the form of ready to apply techniques for transforming personal attitudes and behavior.

Dr. David Fraser (photo left) recognizes that all too often, people who fail to establish good relationships with others fail to understand their own attitudes and self control. This lack of self-awareness often manifests itself in the way others are approached, in the choice of language and tone, and a lack of understanding of how others see themselves. This self-awareness deficit manifests itself further when failure to develop good relationships leads to a loss of confidence. A vicious cycle ensues that continues the behavioral problems throughout the individual's personal or professional lives. As an engineer, David Fraser compares the lack of action to improve the ability to develop good interpersonal relationships with entropy. Any system will deteriorate and wind down unless it receives a fresh boost of energy. Relationships at work and at home are no different from other systems. This book provides that additional boost of energy to renew an individual's interpersonal relationship building skills.

For me, the power of the book is how David Fraser combines a deep understanding of the importance of developing and maintaining good interpersonal relationships, with a very useful series of steps, for enhancing a person's relationship building skills. The author presents the concepts in a logical, and easy to learn format. The techniques are established in each chapter through a rationale for their inclusion, and the steps necessary to achieve success in putting them into practice. Along with the external strategies to apply when interacting with other people, in both personal and public life, the author includes critical self examination exercises to change one's own attitudes and behaviors. This two pronged approach, that is both internal and external, provides a rich and dynamic dimension to the author's concepts and overall approach.

I highly recommend the transformational and career boosting book Relationships Made Easy: How to get on with the people you need to get on with...and stay friends with everyone else by Dr. David Fraser, to anyone who is serious about developing, maintaining, or improving their ability to get along with other people in any social or professional setting. This book will not only cause real change in how a person relates to other people, but will also create a transformation in the individual themselves.

Read the social interaction improving and very practical book Relationships Made Easy: How to get on with the people you need to get on with...and stay friends with everyone else by Dr. David Fraser, and become better at developing your social skills, and the confidence to use them well. This book will cause your career to skyrocket, help you resolve more conflicts, and live a fuller and richer life in every way.

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