Bored with your blog?

You know the feeling.

You've been writing your daily blog entries for what seems like an eternity. Every day you faithfully write a new post or three. Your topic ideas are getting few and far between. You think you can only write about gardening for so long, right?


Stop and think for a moment about what you are doing with your business blog. What is your blog's purpose?

You are attempting to build and maintain a relationship with customers; present and future. They want to hear from you. Whether you realize it or not, you and your business are of interest to them. Otherwise, why would they be reading your blog?

Just because you have written, about growing and caring for roses before in your blog, doesn't mean that everyone has read it. Brand new readers arrive at your web site every day. Those new visitors have never read your tales of gardening pleasures and problems before. Your ideas and posts are all fresh material to them.

Look for new twists on previously used ideas. In journalism, they are called "finding the angle". Look for different approaches to the story your blog is telling. Growing roses can include articles on planting, fertility of the soil, diseases, insect pests, and where to best place the bushes in your yard for effect.

Look carefully at what I just did with just one topic of growing roses. Five separate articles were created, in one sentence, simply by breaking the idea down into bite sized pieces. Even then, I barely scratched the surface. You can certainly find many more topics, in your specific area of business, by doing the same thing.

The more useful content you post on your blog, the more reason there is for visitors to bookmark your site. Turn your blog into a "must read" every day ritual. To be successful at blogging, you need regular articles. They don't have to be all your own stories either.

Feel free to link to other blogs and web sites that are of value to your readers. After all, bloggers are constant linkers to other sites. Your regular visitors will thank you, for finding great information elsewhere for them. Instead of abandoning your blog for greener pastures, your customers will return to your site, as their chosen source for news and ideas.

If you are not feeling up to creating a long involved article on the joys of begonias; dont! Write about how much fun you had at the local flower show instead. Inject some fun into the blog. Tell your readers about how you met the mayor, who actually mentioned reading your blog! Your readers will share your delight.

As an added bonus for your freshly blogged content, your web site will get listed higher in the various search engines. Google's spider will crawl your site almost daily, devouring your information. As you post more, you get the fun of watching your site move ever higher on the search results, for your keyword search terms. That means even more potential customers will find your goods and services.

As you continue to write your daily business blog, you are establishing yourself as a trusted information source in your industry. Your customers, old and new, will seek out your knowledge. They will want to get your assistance, from your blog, or face to face.

Oh, and dont forget this little tidbit. While they're at it, they will be buying your products and services.

There's certainly nothing boring about that!
