Keep up on the latest internet news

You are using the internet.

Because technological changes happen so quickly in the modern world, timely information and commentary is a must. You have to keep track of the latest trends and developments in computers, search engines, and the internet itself; or get lost in the shuffle.

Here are a few great sources of internet news and commentary, written by people I trust, to give you the straight goods.

For honest, straight from the hip computer news and technical assistance, log onto Computer Diaries.

Computer Diaries owner Allen Smith isn't fancy, but he tells it like it is, without pulling any punches. He is also more than happy to help out with any computer and internet problems you may have encountered. He has often helped me. A lot!

For regular news and opinions on the world of high technology, on both sides of the Atlantic, check out Noo Meeja.

Noo Meeja (get it? new media) owner Tristam Bielecki brings a wealth of technical experience and passion to his daily, and often humourous, looks at the wired world around us.

The prestigious Search Engine Journal is a must read for indepth news and opinions on the world of search engine marketing and optimization.

Loren Baker of Search Engine Journal provides insights into the ins and outs of the world of search engines, that are helpful and informative.

Loren Baker also owns and operates the tremendous Blog Search Engine and the Blog Search Engine Blog, where many of my articles are reprinted.

If you are marketing your writing, get some hands on news and advice from Trudy W. Schuett of WOLves - Writers On Line.

WOLves - Writers On Line provides news, ideas, and links to some great help in writing and maintaining your blog and online presence.

There are many more great sources of internet news, but these blogs are written by people I know and trust.

That's why I recommend them.
