Carnival of the Vanities closes its doors

The longest running internet blog carnival, the well known Carnival of the Vanities is calling it quits.

After 208 editions, spanning four successful years, the venerable CotV will have one final 209 edition at Lucy's Dilemma and then pass into blogosphere history.

As Carnival co-custodian Zeuswood explains:

Carnival of the Vanities is closing for lack of interest.

The four year edition was the final test. If a heavily promoted, major landmark in the life of a historic, hugely influential blogospheric institution can’t get links or traffic - not to malign those who did come through for us, thanks! - and not even from many people with a stake, then there is no hope for it week to week. It’s just another way to get links; ironically, without having to write stuff so good or provocative it would have a better chance of generating links on its own. CotV was supposed to help ensure visibility of your best, since most of us have written great stuff that sunk into the blogosphere without so much as a ripple. And links aren’t even the prestige thing they once were. Heck, it’s the readership that matters more, and CotV doesn’t bring that.

Be sure to support the final edition of the source of all blog carnivals.

Entries can be sent to:

cotvmail -at- gmail -dot- com

Be sure to make it a great post and remember to link to the Carnival host too.

Let's send Carnival of the Vanities off with a bang instead of a whimper.

It's okay to shed a few tears of sadness as well.

Carnival of the Vanities was the first great blog carnival. All other carnivals owe a real debt of gratitude to Carnival of the Vanities. The entire blog carnival idea was born four years ago at Bigwig's Silflay Hraka blog.

Be sure to give thanks to Carnival of the Vanities for sharing four wonderful years of posts and hosts.

You will be missed.

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