Independent business: Changing your focus

Independent business and entrepreneurship are hallmarks of the new breed of business in the New Millenium. Alongside the ubiquitous big box stores, chains, and franchises are new and more established independent businesses. Offering unique products and services, all with the personal touch, many of these savvy guerilla businesses are blogging, and seeking business opportunities on a global scale.

Keeping up in the modern world means stepping out into both the online and offline markets. As most knowledgeable business people already know, the internet makes your street corner based business into a global enterprise. Because of the ever evolving dynamics of the world wide marketplace, entrepreneurs must be prepared to shift gears and even change their business focus at a moment's notice.

Business opportunities might arise in areas unforseen when the new business was on the drawing board. What was thought initially to be main direction of the business may not have been effective or profitable at all. Quickness of foot, or more precisely, finger and mouse is an essential small business survival skill. For example, a budding entrepreneur might have started out expecting to gain contracts as a freelance writer, and then switch the emphasis to freelance photography.

If the original business plan was based on a business premise that lacked a solid market, then a rapid changing of gears is a matter of company life and death. A non-existent market isn't worth your time and effort. Instead, seek a target set of buyers for a product or service that has a current and growing demand. Yesterday's businesses are best left in the past. Besides, you would rather be seen as a cutting edge industry leader anyway. Right?

Be prepared to change the focus of your startup company. Many writers, including me, have evolved into different businesses and professions entirely. I suspect that your current independent business is in a stage of evolution even as you read this post.

The future will be different from today for your core business.

Be prepared to take hold of that exciting prospect and grab onto new global business opportunites today. You may be surprised at the profits and business growth your company will achieve as a result.

Accept business and market changes and prosper from them.

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