Blog comments help everyone

Writing comments on other people's blogs helps everyone.

Comments on another blogger's post helps them.

Placing comments on other blogs helps you.

Talk about your win/win situation.

When you visit other blogs, adding a comment makes the blog post writer very happy. This is true for several reasons.

When you add a comment to a post that you like, or even one where you disagree entirely, you show the blogger that you actually read the post.

Not only did you read the post, but you cared about the subject matter and the opinion offered, to voice your approval or dissent. Your blog comment could add more information to the post, or send the discussion into new and exciting directions.

Additional comments are gratifying to the blogger because it's nice to read other people's thoughts and ideas. In effect, comments start a back and forth interaction between writer and reader.

As my good friend David St. Lawrence of Ripples is so fond of saying, "Blogs are conversations".

What that conversation can lead to is a new friendship, or a more involved business relationship. The entire chain reaction is set off by simply writing a blog comment.

Since the comments offer links back to the writer's blog, or to the person's e-mail, a return visit or response can take place.

I have often suggested that writing comments is a great traffic builder for your own blog. Many other very knowledgeable bloggers have agreed. Of course, that is a rather narrow and self centred viewpoint.

It's still an important consideration, however.

Comment writers get more visitor traffic, and that's a good thing.

Even more important than visitor traffic is the start of the conversation between yourself, the blog post writer, and other commenting bloggers. The interation can lead to some fascinating possibilities.

Talking together via comments and e-mails has very often led to telephone discussions, and some very rewarding in person meetings between bloggers. Lifetime friendships can be formed.

Simply taking a few seconds to write a comment on someone else's blog can open up new doors to exciting new possibilities. In effect, you can change not only your own future, but that of the other blogger as well.

Talk about how such a simple act can alter the future.

Write some blog comments, and create some new timelines for your future and that of other bloggers.


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