Blogging: A contrarian viewpoint

Blogging has some possible bad points?

Say it ain't so!

After all, on this business blog, the chances of anything bad ever being said about blogs is akin to claiming the Earth is flat.


Well, partially true.

There are still many unreconstructed blog non-believers out there on the internet who need a good conversion. The road to Damascus guides, we might not be, but we are at least able to attempt a bit of friendly persuasion.

You've all heard the objections to blogging.

Perhaps they need a few rebuttals; or perhaps a kick in the rebuttal, if mere words aren't up to the job.

Blogs and blogging take time that busy business and professional people can't afford to spend; so the story goes.

Of course, the same people who claim to not have any time, happily spend it on some other activity that is less likely to make them any money, improve their marketing and public relations efforts, and raise their website's rankings in the various search engines.

Oh well, if they choose to use their time in other ways, like watching television shows, who are we to judge. After all, there are only ten places on the Google search engine first page. We don't have to worry about their business as competition.

And you know that no one would ever be able to find enough topics to blog about. You've all heard that one.

If the blogger can't find enough business and personal examples for at least two posting ideas per week, they must have no imagination. My readers all seem to have ideas for many times that number of posts.

In fact, the same blog posting idea can be examined from several different directions. After all, there are more things to discuss about regarding elephants than simply the trunk.

They could also blog about those television shows that they were watching that took all of their time away from blogging. We all know many bloggers who can watch TV and blog.

Often at the same time.

Doubters will often point out the classic outmoded line that blogs are simply personal online diaries.

I know my blog isn't an online diary, and I highly doubt that yours is an angst ridden lament about the Prom either. Old prejudices die hard.

Don't worry though.

When your business growth explodes past theirs, as a direct result of your blogging activities, be gracious in your success. Recommend a good blog hosting company for them to use. It's the right thing to do.

Yes, blogs have so many disadvantages.

I can't imagine why anyone even bothers writing blogs.

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