Blogging thoughts for April 1

April 1, better known as April Fools Day, is traditionally a day set aside for the lighter side of life, for a touch of gentle humour, and a bit of fun. Since blogs can be anything we want them to be, it's time for some thoughts on blogging that are a bit off the beaten path.

Let's try some seldom considered thoughts on blogs and blogging; probably for reasons that will become obvious.

If you wrote a blog, and no one ever visited or read it, would the blog exist?

If bloggers are thought to be writing in their pajamas, does that mean they blog in bed?

If bloggers are in their pajamas, during blogging hours, are they actually asleep?

What are blogging hours anyway? Are there any?

If a blogger creates a business with another blogger, who might turn out to not be a real person, does the partnership have legal status?

What is a virtual business anyway?

Is a virtual business to a bricks and mortar business, as a pet rock is to a dog or cat?

What's all this talk about relationship building all about anyway? Is a blog really a closet dating service? Are dating blogs the only honest ones?

If a blogger becomes an A-Lister, does that person's blog then qualify as a celebrity blog?

What if a celebrity blog is not read by anyone? Does that person automatically lose their celebrity status?

Why is a blog entry called a post anyway? Are we building a fence? I thought blogs were about breaking down barriers.

Who invents words like "blogosphere" and "ping", and don't "trackbacks" get a little messy when it rains?

I once heard someone say they were going to "ping their blog" and the non-blog reading and writing person thought it was something naughty.

Is not knowing about, reading, or maintaining a blog the new illiteracy for the new millenium?

I won't ask how many bloggers are needed to change a lightbulb. The number would be far to large for calculation outside of a super-computer.

April Fools Day should be a natural for bloggers. Think about it.

Happy April 1, everybody!

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