Remarkable Leadership by Kevin Eikenberry - Book review

Remarkable Leadership

Unleashing Your Leadership Potential One Skill at a Time

By Kevin Eikenberry

Published: Aug 30, 2007
ISBN: 9780787996192
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: Jossey-Bass

Effective leaders are not born, but are developed through learning to develop the skills unique to every person, writes Kevin Eikenberry in his powerful book
Remarkable Leadership: Unleashing Your Leadership Potential One Skill at a Time. The book sets out in practical fashion, the appropriate steps to enhancing your leadership potential to the fullest extent possible.

For the author, leadership is about facilitating change within yourself, your organization, and in developing the talent in other people around you. Kevin Eikenberry demonstrates that you already possess the skills to become a highly effective leader. The book provides a highly usable framework for building those personal qualities into effective leadership. The book stresses maximizing your greatest personal strengths, while minimizing your various weaknesses, to build your unique leadership abilities.

Kevin Eikenberry (photo left) recognizes the importance of interpersonal skills for developing remarkable leaders. The ability to communicate with others and to empathize with their problems and aspirations are essential to becoming a responsible leader. At the same time, the author understands that lifelong learning is crucial to continual improvement of a person's internal leadership skills. Because leaders are made, lifelong learning is a key part of maximizing those abilities.

For me, the power of the book was in the understanding of leaders as being made, and then providing a step by step process for that leadership development. The book is well constructed so the reader can work on any aspect of leadership that is suited to the reader. At the same time, other areas skills can be enhanced through the power of lifelong learning and development. Kevin Eikenberry creates a powerful, and ongoing process for all aspiring leaders to unleash their inner potential.

I highly recommend Remarkable Leadership: Unleashing Your Leadership Potential One Skill at a Time by Kevin Eikenberry as a guide to developing your abilities as a leader. It is a keeper book, that can be returned to for valuable instruction, over and over again.

Read Remarkable Leadership: Unleashing Your Leadership Potential One Skill at a Time by Kevin Eikenberry, and become the outstanding and effective leader that lies within you, waiting to be unleashed.

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