The Future That Brought Her Here
The Memoir of a Call to Awaken
By: Deborah Denicola
Published: June 1, 2009
Format: Paperback: 368 pages
ISBN-10: 0892541482
ISBN-13: 978-0892541485
Publisher: Ibis Press
"This is the story of a depressed skeptic's spiritual awakening", writes teacher and acclaimed poet Deborah Denicola, in her deeply moving personal account of her spiritual journey The Future That Brought Her Here: The Memoir of a Call to Awaken. The author describes her unforgettable quest for self discovery, and along the way shares her thoughts and insights into gnosticism, psychology, dreams, history, and science.
Deborah Denicola takes the reader on an epic voyage of enlightenment, as she attempts to make sense of her lie and the very meaning of her existence. The author consults with several esoteric teachers, and discusses her philosophical ideas with them, while learning ever more about her own soul voyage. Deborah Denicola writes in a non-sequential format that reflects her inner growth and increasing conviction that time and this world are an illusion. She travels both physically and psychologically to the American Southwest, Israel, and the South of France. As she journeys, and begins to recognize her own spiritual awakening, the places become familiar to her, as if her spirit had lived in those diverse places, at various different times. As the author develops a stronger sense of her soul's journey, she grows an ever greater awareness of her oneness with all people and the universe.

Deborah Denicola (photo left) blends her understanding of mainstream history with the often suppressed heretical teachings of gnosticism and mystery religions. She combines deftly the history of the Middle Ages with the stories of the Knights Templar, and the apocryphal gospels and legends of Mary Magdalen. Combining this gnostic understanding, with the Bible, cutting edge quantum physics and string theory, Deborah Denicola resolves the skepticism of her Western cultural heritage with a deeper understanding of the power of the mind and spirit. The author takes an individual journey to self fulfillment and personal understanding, but at the same time arrives at the realization that her journey is a universal one that includes all humanity. All people share the divine spark, and for Deborah Denicola, this mystical and divine connection is a powerful insight into her own humanity.
For me, the power of the book is how Deborah Denicola travels a demanding personal road from depression to her enlightenment. The author combines the history and artistic achievements of others, with her own marvelous poetry, as she puts into words and symbolic language her ever growing understanding of humanity. Her voyages travel across the globe, but her journey of self discovery is within her own soul and heart. She attempts to reconcile her skeptical, science based Western mind with the mysticism and gnostic teachings that reject this world as just an illusion. In keeping with those esoteric insights, she finds common ground with discoveries in modern quantum mechanics. The language may have been different, but the creation of one's own reality and soul journey remain the same.
I highly recommend the powerful and deeply spiritual book The Future That Brought Her Here: The Memoir of a Call to Awaken by Deborah Denicola, to anyone seeking self discovery in a world where fear and hatred have created an illusion of evil and a hostile reality. Through her studies, travels, discussions, and personal mystical experiences, the author describes another way of viewing the illusion of what we consider reality. She adopts the modern scientific and gnostic mantles of understanding, that time and reality don't exist as absolutes. Along the way to her own personal spiritual awakening, Deborah Denicola creates a liberating and empowering spiritual guide book.
Read the magical and mystical book The Future That Brought Her Here: The Memoir of a Call to Awaken by Deborah Denicola, and share her breathtaking journey to her personal understanding. Her voyages are of the body, the mind, and the spirit, and in the end conclude that all humanity are one and that the power of love and understanding is universal. This incredible message of hope is essential reading for the years ahead, as our civilization and all of humanity, move toward higher and deeper levels of existence and awakening.