Bright Triumphs From Dark Hours
Turning Adversity into Success
By: David Heenan
Published: November 2009
Format: Hardcover, 233pp
ISBN-13: 9780824834302
ISBN-10: 0824834305
Publisher: The University of Hawaii Press
"In a world turned dark and cold, we are seeing more and more instances of talented people - quite often for reasons beyond their control - seem destined to fail. Yet caving into the dark side is not an option; the costs are simply too high" writes trustee of the Estate of James Campbell, one of the nation’s largest landowners and a visiting professor at Georgetown University, David Heenan, in his inspirational and groundbreaking book Bright Triumphs From Dark Hours: Turning Adversity into Success. The author shares the stories of ten remarkable people who faced adversity, and applied winning strategies to turn near defeat into personal triumph.
David Heenan profiles the extraordinary lives of ten individuals who faced overwhelming obstacles, yet did not give up or surrender to defeat. Their actions, while seemingly very different on the surface, contained many critical similarities. Their common personal strategies for success are described in the book, offering hope for others who feel their personal situation is hopeless and without escape. David Heenan groups the ten amazing people into three major categories of action. They include Crusaders, Combatants, and Comeback Kids. While these three classifications contain differences, the underlying actions taken by the people involved shared many important similarities.

David Heenan (photo left) dispels the old myth that willpower, hard work and keeping one's nose to the proverbial grindstone is enough to overcome life's troubled times. As the author points out, and the stories demonstrate clearly, hard work and willpower are not only not enough to defeat those dark hours of life, but can very often make them even worse. In place of those misguided myths, David Heenan offers six proven success strategies that worked for the outstanding people profiled in the book. Those action oriented strategies include:
* Learn from adversity
* Fashion a new dream
* Sell your vision
* Share your dream
* Focus, focus, focus
* Start now
For me, the power of the book is how David Heenan presents ten powerful and inspirational lives as lessons in courage and personal triumph. All of the people in the book faced very difficult obstacles of very different types. Despite their initial fears and sense of hopelessness, they did not give up. They applied the six action strategies that are capsulized in the case studies. For the reader, who faces a personal challenge and seemingly unbeatable odds, these success actions can be applied effectively to their own situations. One of the authors deepest insights is that adversity is widespread, and varied in the world, but that the desire to succeed is universal to all of humanity. As a result of this truth, the book provides a valuable road map to personal achievement regardless of the obstacles in the way.
I highly recommend the enthralling and personally enriching book Bright Triumphs From Dark Hours: Turning Adversity into Success by David Heenan, to anyone seeking a guide to escaping the darkest corners in one's life. By following the lead of the amazing people in the book, and applying their techniques for overcoming adversity, anyone can achieve success.
Read the fascinating and insightful book Bright Triumphs From Dark Hours: Turning Adversity into Success by David Heenan, and discover a compass that is right for navigating successfully through our troubled times. Even in a person's darkest moments, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and this book is your guide to finding that light and conquering the darkness.