Map of Intention
A 30-day system for getting results
By: Darryl J. Jarmosco
Published: 2009
Format: Paperback, 87 pages
Publisher: Darryl Jarmosco International
"We have a choice to live our lives two ways; either we live it in reaction or intention", writes Peak Performance Coach and speaker Darryl J. Jarmosco, in his inspirational and life transforming book Map of Intention: A 30-day system for getting results. The author challenges the reader to take action on their dreams, and to stop making excuses, and to quit limiting their life options.
Darryl J. Jarmosco presents the challenge of declaring your life. He considers this declaration essential as the turning point in finding clarity in your personal dreams and goals. Without this strong declaration, the author describes your life as one of reaction, and of being controlled by events and other people. The result, according to Darryl Jarmosco is a poor outlook on life that is both unfulfilling and personally exhausting. The author offers an alternative way to live one's life, by making the choice to live a life of intention. That means choosing what you want your life to be about, and to follow your own dreams and aspirations.

Darryl J. Jarmosco (photo left) understands that not everyone is at the same emotional state of readiness to declare a life of intention. As a result, he encourages his readers to get into a positive state of mind, and to feel good about themselves and the world around them. The author recognizes that not everyone's personal goals and dreams are the same. Indeed, he encourages his readers to write down and visualize their own dreams and goals, to establish focus and clarity. Darryl Jarmosco shares his ideas and proven techniques to move toward those goals, and away from the distractions and negative influences that created the life of reaction. Instead of living a life of aimlessness, the book presents a system for working toward a target that achieves your personal goals.
For me, the power of the book is how Darryl Jarmosco creates a practical and workable system for building a life of intention. The book is more than just an inspirational guide. It's also a work book and journal, that requires the reader to write down their goals and dreams on the page. Through the act of writing, the goal becomes a tangible reality, and sharpens the focus of the reader on reaching a target. The author makes a bold claim, that anyone can get results and move toward their goal, in only thirty days. Because of the daily written and practical exercises in the book, and the constant reinforcement of those dreams, the reader is propelled forward toward their ultimate target. The completely interactive format of the book is a huge part of forming that focus, clarity, and constant mode of action necessary to make dreams a reality.
I highly recommend the motivational, step by step goal achievement book Map of Intention: A 30-day system for getting results by Darryl J. Jarmosco, to anyone seeking to change their life from one of reaction to one where they live their own dreams. This book creates the positive frame of mind that guides the reader toward the target, while providing daily activities that make the life of intention one of reality. The author creates a format where the reader builds measurable goals, and takes actions that are specific and realistic. These actions are time bound, making them critical to achieving your life aspirations.
Read the life changing guide book Map of Intention: A 30-day system for getting results by Darryl J. Jarmosco, and change your life from one of reaction to living a life of intention. Instead of making excuses, and putting off your dreams and goals, let this book guide you to taking charge of your own life. Replace negativity and reaction with a focused target, and live your dreams on your own terms.