DMOZ Directory: Is your blog included?

I have written about a number of internet directories on this blog.

In fact, yesterday I recommended submitting your blog to the Yahoo! Directory.

The single most important internet directory is The Open Directory Project (ODP) , better known as DMOZ.

DMOZ has become even more blog friendly.

The ODP Weblog (via MediaTIC) reports that DMOZ is now accepting RSS feeds and Atom feeds as listings in the directory.


"Alongside standard HTML web sites and PDF documents, we're now accepting RSS feeds as listings in the directory. There's no change in the submission process but in future categories will start showing 'XML' sections with links to related RSS feeds."

I have written about how to submit your blog to DMOZ on Blog Business World in the past.

I also have a more indepth article on DMOZ submissions on SEO Chat.

The significance of the advice I provide is that it works.

Blog Business World is right where it should be under "Weblogs/Resources".

The description used:

"Blogging about blogs in business, marketing, public relations, and search engine optimization for successful entrepreneurs" almost identical to what I submitted. It is also very similar to the description of this blog:

"Blogs in business, marketing, public relations, and search engine optimization for successful entrepreneurs"

By writing an impartial, unbiased description, I had almost no changes made at all. You should write the description of your blog the same way for all directory submissions.

Impartial and unbiased.

It took about three months for Blog Business World to appear in DMOZ under "Weblogs/Resources". That is about an average wait, as every blog and static website submission is examined carefully by a volunteer editor.

During my wait, I kept adding more daily posts, as you will during your wait.

I never contacted the editors at all. I realize they are very busy, and they are all dedicated volunteers. Giving them time to do their jobs is only common courtesy.

I also avoided committing the cardinal sin of resubmitting my blog, which only gets your blog moved to back of the line again.

Patience is a virtue with DMOZ. It also pays off for you.

If you follow my advice and suggestions, which are mainly about following the DMOZ submission guidelines to the letter, your blog will be included too.

Get your blog submitted to DMOZ today.
