Theme Weeks: A way to more traffic

Theme weeks.

Themed time periods are used, in many offline businesses to generate visitor volume, during the life of the promotion.

You've probably thought about them, but never employed them on your blog.

As a traffic builder, a week devoted to one aspect of your regular blog fare can do wonders for increasing your readership.

It also builds in return traffic, as your visitors will want to follow the subject to its conclusion.

Todd, at the very popular A Penny For... recently concluded a highly successful Brand Week, where the topic under consideration was the branding of products and services.

He plans another such themed week in June.

Another blogger, employing a similar technique is Michele Miller, at the fast rising to prominence WonderBranding: Marketing To Women.

This week, Michele is exploring the many facets of intuition.

By running a series of posts on intuition, Michele provides a powerful reason for her visitor traffic to return. She doesn't forget her regular blogging subject matter either. It continues as always.

The themed topic of intuition is similar to bonus material.

On your own blogs, you can consider the relative merits of holding some theme specific weeks as well. While they are not for everyone, they are well suited to many bloggers.

I would caution you on the overuse of themes, however. Once you saturate your blog with themes, you might risk losing your newly loyal audience.

Keep those themes as special occasions, not as weekly events.

Note that Todd is not running another special topic week until June. He understands the value of keeping the idea fresh, and not running it into the ground from overexposure.

By adding special weeks to your blog, you can increase your visitor traffic.

You also give your readers a strong reason to return for more.
