Blogs and podcasts on television in China

Bloggers are being heard around the world, and the message of blogs is being presented to enormous numbers of people. Business blogger Jody Colvard (pictured left) of Fun Money Good Blog enjoyed one of those rare opportunities.

Jody recently spoke to an audience of 200 million television viewers in China. Her topics for that enormous TV event were blogging and podcasting.

As Jody says on her blog:

I have been preparing to do my presentation in front of 150 students on Thursday, and was invited to go on television to share information about blogs and podcasting.

The recording went very well, was also an amazing experience to be interviewed by a very prominent gentleman named Wilson, as he asked me questions in both English and Mandarin (he translated for the audience).

The broadcast will be seen by 200,000,000 people, wow!!!

China is a growing and expanding economy, and with a population exceeding one billion people, the blogging and podcasting potential is definitely mindboggling. Blogs can aid in communications and global understanding, making blogging a vehicle for peace and friendship. Blogs are a powerful tool for world peace, and their potential in working toward that wonderful goal is literally unlimited.

As time passes, and blogs become more mainstream, their global reach will become even larger in scope. Blogs are definitely building a global village, and spokespeople like Jody Colvard are making that village a very blog friendly and wired one indeed.

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