Link lust: Enquiring minds want to know

My good friend Darren Rowse (pictured left) of the professional blogging industry leading Pro Blogger wants a peek into other bloggers' secret lusts. No, he is not peeping into your closets or cupboards, but rather into your innermost blog link hopes and dreams.

Darren wants to know which blogs you would most like to send you a link. After all, linky love is the base on which the blogosphere rotates. Interconnected blogs make the blogging world go around. Bloggers are free and generous link givers and send links out every which way into cyberspace. As a result, blogs are a leading force in online communications and community building.

Sending and receiving links has power in several ways. Links result in more visitor traffic; both for the sender and the receiver. Links are very often returned by the recipient to the donor blog. Links also provide SEO power in the various search engines. As a general rule, the more links a blog receives, the better the blog posts will rank in Google, Yahoo, and MSN. While there are other SEO factors in play, links are a very important component of the search engines' ranking components.

Links are life.

As a result of his study of links and their value, Darren Rowse wants to know which links would benefit your blog the most. The advantage could be in the search engine rankings for your most important keywords and phrases. The benefit could arise from the additional visitor traffic showing up to bulge your traffic logs. More revenue could result through Adsense clicks or additional newsletter subscribers. More links could even be a combination of all of these factors; and more.

After all of that introduction, you are probably awaiting my list of desired links. Well, I really hate to disappoint you, as I value all of my inbound links equally. The size of the blog's traffic or search engine ranking are unimportant. I see incoming links as a privilege and an honour. When someone sends a link to my blog, I always get a tiny lump in my throat. It's truly wonderful to know that someone found one of my posts helpful for them, and by extension, to their blog readership. All links are special to me.

A link from the smallest newest blog is important. From tiny acorns, do mighty oak trees grow. After all, even the household name blogs of the blogosphere had to start from one inbound link.

I appreciate all of my incoming links and I wouldn't trade away them for anything. I value every blogger who links to my posts. They are all gifts from people whom I want to meet in person some day.

My list of link lust consists of bloggers, who are currently strangers, but who will eventually be my friends.

Thanks to all of you who link to my blog. Thanks in advance to those who have yet to link here. I appreciate all of you and your taking the time to link to my posts and my blog.

Show your enjoyment of other bloggers' efforts and link to their blogs today.

Darren Rowse, this link's for you!

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