Book marketing: Free book download offered

Book authors, whether fiction or non-fiction writers, are always seeking new and innovative techniques for marketing their last works. Romance novel writer Jill Terry (photo left) of Wordsmith Extraordinaire is certainly no exception. Seeking new marketing methods for her novels, Jill is offering her latest novel Exposed by free pdf download from the internet.

Jill Terry tells her reasons for the free book download this way:

I’m very excited to announce that my latest novel, Exposed, is now available for free download, to anyone who would like a copy. No catches or gimmicks, just click the link provided below then sit back and enjoy the ride! At 59,000 words, Exposed is a fast-paced, entertaining read that will tug at your heartstrings, while keeping you turning pages until you reach the end. And if I’ve done my job the way I intended, leave you wanting more!

About the novel Exposed, Jill offers this description:

A gripping tale of what happens, when two souls collide and their worlds explode… On occasion, if fate would have it, our paths cross with someone with whom we connect on a plane much higher than that of the average acquaintance. Something familiar and all-knowing sparks between the souls, as if reconnecting with the lost part of ourselves that completes us and makes us whole. The power of persuasion in conjunction with this force can be very provocative and somewhat destructive, as there is no rhyme or reason, only the truth of the feelings it provokes within us.

Novel blurb continued here...

Also available for free download are two more of Jill Terry's novels, as well as some of her short story fiction works.

Jill also welcomes your comments and book reviews.

Offering samples of writing for free is a powerful marketing tool for any writer. Jill Terry has embraced the principle of providing no charge reading access to her books, and the concept is paying off for her and her reading audience.

Giving something to get something is a time tested marketing technique that can be used for any product or service.

Offer free samples today; and give to get.

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